Westboro Baptist Church Unleashes Twitter Tirade Over Same-Sex Marriage And DOMA Ruling
Americans throughout the nation are celebrating the Supreme Courts decision to get rid of parts of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which basically gets rid of Proposition 8 -- California’s gay marriage ban. But while everyone was enjoying this momentous day, the Westboro Baptist Church was filled with hate and ire -- and it made sure to spew its anti-gay protest all over Twitter.
The Westboro Baptist Church is essentially a cult known for being anything but open minded and accepting. Headed by Fred Phelps, the WBC is mostly comprised of his family and is currently less than 90 members.
Shirley Phelps, the spokeswoman for the WBC who has appeared on many talks shows and documentaries, said her clan will be heading over to the Supreme Court in August to protest the DOMA ruling. By the way, this is the same group of people who said it would protest at funerals for the Sandy Hook, Conn., elementary school victims and at funerals for individuals killed in the Aurora, Colo., shooting.
In a tirade of tweets, that seems anything but sane, Phelps echoed prior sentiments that same-sex marriage will lead to the destruction of the United States, as per God’s will. Here's some of what she posted Wednesday:
WBC has told you for 20 years that fag marriage is a fait accompli in this reprobate nation, and as we told you would happen this year, ...
— Shirley Phelps-Roper (@WBCShirl) June 26, 2013
today the conscience of this nation, ruled that the federal government must dignify and respect so-called marriages entered into between ...
— Shirley Phelps-Roper (@WBCShirl) June 26, 2013
persons of the same sex. The Bible calls them dogs eating their own vomit and sows wallowing in their own feces. [2 Peter 2:22.]
— Shirley Phelps-Roper (@WBCShirl) June 26, 2013
Yo CALIFORNIA -Is it time to repent? Is it time to just OBEY GOD? Just askin. God has you in a hammerlock - you can't get away fm fags!!
— Shirley Phelps-Roper (@WBCShirl) June 26, 2013
BREAKING: #SCOTUS rules, 5-4, on Prop. 8 petitionersbNO standing to appeal; same-sex marriages likely to resume in CA. Yay Destruction!
— Shirley Phelps-Roper (@WBCShirl) June 26, 2013
The WBC got a surprise of their own on Saturday when a same-sex marriage took place about 50 feet from its house. Aaron Jackson bought a home right across from the WBC in Topeka, Kan., and called it the “Equality House.”
According to the New York Daily News, Kimberly Kidwell and Katie Short professed their legal love for each other across the street from WBC in the presence of 100 guests. Though the WBC protested the wedding, they can’t legally step onto the Equality House property.
"I guess I was almost numb after seeing them for a minute. I knew the signs would be there, and I wasn't even angry about it. We were just so ecstatic to be getting married," Kidwell told the Huffington Post.
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