What Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders And Barack Obama Have Said About Hillary Clinton: Take Our Surprising Election Quiz

Hillary Clinton is having a better week than you are. The Associated Press declared her the presumptive nominee Monday night after she won the Democratic primary in Puerto Rico and wooed a few more superdelegates. She went on to win New Jersey, California and two other states Tuesday, clinching her landmark victory as the first woman to become the presidential nominee for a major party in the U.S.
She picked up another win Thursday, when President Barack Obama finally endorsed her, calling her the most qualified presidential candidate ever, meaning, you know, that George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and the Roosevelts were not quite as prepared for the Oval Office as the woman who has served as a New York senator, secretary of state, first lady, Arkansas first lady, lawyer, civil rights activist and Wellesley College student commencement speaker. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a hero in liberal circles, joined the Clinton parade Thursday night, branding the candidate as a tough fighter who could keep Republican Donald Trump out of the White House. And Vice President Joe Biden chimed in as well.
"I'm ready. I am ready to get in this fight and work my heart out for Hillary Clinton to become the next president of the United States — and to make sure that Donald Trump never gets anyplace close to the White House," said Warren, who has been frequently touted as a potential vice president pick for the Clinton ticket.
But Clinton hasn't always been a favorite among fellow Democrats. She went head to head against Obama during the 2008 primary race and has been harshly criticized by Sen. Bernie Sanders and Warren for her cozy ties to Wall Street. While Trump has made headlines in recent months for slamming Clinton's 2002 Senate vote to launch the Iraq War, her use of a private email serve while working in the State Department and even her husband's infidelities, Clinton has also seen tough criticism from the very Democrats now cheering her on.
Part of their new-found enthusiasm can be explained by the fact that they loathe Trump, who has smeared women, Muslims, Mexicans and other groups from the campaign trail. For protecting Obama's legacy, addressing Warren's concerns about income inequality and advancing Sanders' "revolution," Clinton is also a far more likely ally than Trump.
Curious about how Obama, Warren and Sanders really feel about the 2016 Democratic nominee? Take our political news quiz to find out what they said about her in the past, when her path to the White House was somewhat less certain.
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