A two-year-old from Minnesota has a rare condition which causes extreme swelling all over her body. In this image, a baby rests in a bed at the Bambino Gesu hospital in Rome, March 23, 2012. GABRIEL BOUYS/AFP/GettyImages

A two-year-old from Minnesota has a rare condition which causes extreme swelling all over her body. The girl is now forced to have liposuction to reduce the size of her hands.

Cora Ruben was born with a genetic disorder called lymphedema which resulted in accumulation of fluid in her legs, belly and hands and experts said the condition will only get worse. After several failed treatments, the child’s parents found out that the size of her hands could be reduced by liposuction.

"Her hands are obviously the biggest thing that people see. But what people don't know is she's actually got it in most of her body. As she gets older, it's only going to get worse,” the toddler’s father Brett Ruben said, Daily Mail reported.

Kasey Ruben had a normal pregnancy, however, as soon as Cora was born, doctors noticed abnormalities in the baby’s hands.

“The first few weeks we thought the swelling would go down. That's what we were told. But we saw the pediatrician and that's when she suggested it may be lymphedema,” Brett said, adding nothing helped reduce the swelling.

Kasey said, “In her case it has been growing, and that's what alarmed doctors and her physical therapist. And it still is worsening and we haven't been able to control it like you usually can with massages and wrapping and compression.”

The family then went to the Földi Clinic in Hinterzarten, Germany, where they met Professor Etelka Földi, a leading expert on the condition.

“Lymphedema is in essence a chronic disease caused by the inefficiency of the lymph drainage system. When the lymph drainage system is inefficient then inflammation develops,” the professor said.

After examining Cora, the professor found out her hands was made up of 20 percent of lymph fluid while the remaining 80 percent was an overgrowth of fatty tissue.

“She said it was 80 percent fat, 20 percent lymphedema, and the reason why her swelling wasn't responding was because the fat was basically keeping us from appropriately compressing her hands,” Kasey said.

The professor then suggested liposuction to get rid of the fat.

“I don't think anybody likes the thoughts of having their child go through surgery but I think anybody with a child would do this. It's not her fault she was born with this, so I'll do anything I can to help her live a quality and happy life,” Kasey said.

According to Mayo Clinic, lymphedema is caused by damage or removal of lymph nodes. Though there is no treatment for the disorder, it can be managed by early diagnosis. Early symptoms include swelling of arms or leg including toes and fingers, discomfort, thickening of skin and restricted motion. Older age, excess weight, arthritis and obesity may increase the risk of developing the disorder.