• May Ray Day commemorates spring and is a perfect opportunity to soak up the sun
  • The holiday was founded by comedian Richard Ankli in honor of his brother Ray
  • Celebrate the day by exploring the outdoors and posting photos with the hashtag #NationalMayRayDay

As spring continues to bloom, many are still unaware of a special holiday dedicated solely to celebrating the sunlight brought about by the warm season.

National May Ray Day, celebrated on May 19, commemorates all the rays of sunshine that come with spring. During this time, the remnants of the recent winter gradually make their way out, and the wonders of spring steadily introduce themselves to the world.

The origins of the event are still largely debated, but according to National Today, National May Ray Day began when a comedian named Richard Ankli decided to honor his brother Ray with a special day of his own. The day was then turned into an official holiday when the Broadway Fun Spot in St. Joseph, Michigan, legitimized National May Ray Day.

Regardless of its roots, the gist of National May Ray Day remains the same -- to head outdoors and soak up some sun, as May is regarded as the best month to get some daylight, The Brand Boy reports. The holiday reminds people of the perfect opportunity to relish the great outdoors before the sun gets too harsh in the weeks to come.

There are various ways one can celebrate National May Ray Day. Here are three ideas on how to make the most out of the special day, courtesy of the National Day Calendar and National Today:

Party With The Rays
Whether it be Ray Charles' groovy beats or Ray Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451," make sure to celebrate the perfect Ray for you.

Post On Social Media
While you're out and about getting that needed Vitamin D, take a snapshot of your day and post it online with the hashtag #NationalMayRayDay. Make sure you say "Hi, Ray" as well!

Take A Walk
What better way to celebrate the great outdoors than being there yourself? Not only will you be commemorating the holiday in honor of spring, but taking a walk will also do wonders for your mood and overall health.

According to, walking can improve blood circulation, making one less susceptible to heart disease and high blood pressure. Research also suggests that those who take regular walks are 35% less likely to die over the next eight years.

Get Down And Dirty
Try your hand at gardening and you might even learn a thing or two about this handy skill! Bring out your rusty tools and plant something in your backyard -- spring offers the best time to start anew and celebrate rebirth.

Spring is blooming in Central Park, but not many are around to see it due to New York's coronavirus lockdown
Spring is blooming in Central Park, but not many are around to see it due to New York's coronavirus lockdown AFP / Johannes EISELE