how to fight visceral fat what you can and cannot eat
how to fight visceral fat what you can and cannot eat kaboompics - Pixabay


  • Fighting visceral fat is not a walk in the park since it has to be a conscious effort that you will make
  • Knowing what you can and cannot eat can make the whole process easier
  • By following a diet that helps fight visceral fat, you can get rid of it in no time

The dreaded visceral fat is located in the abdominal cavity, right next to vital organs like the liver, intestines, and stomach. This proximity to some of your vital organs makes this type of fat very dangerous. It can also accumulate in your arteries and is sometimes called “active fat” because of its tendency to increase your risk of developing serious medical problems. Good thing there are ways to minimize or even get rid of visceral fat, and among these is a particular diet that you could integrate into your lifestyle.

Fighting Fat with Fat

While it may sound confusing but you can indeed fight visceral fat by minimizing your carbohydrates consumption and substituting it with fat. Referred to as a ketogenic diet, this is a type of low-carb diet designed for those who wanted to shed off excess weight. Experts say that dramatically lowering the amount of carbohydrate you eat and swapping it with fat, it is possible to remove not only excess weight but visceral fat as well.

The Secret

Ketogenic diet forces the body to go into a metabolic state. This is known as ketosis. When this takes place, it means your body is breaking down your stored fat and converting them into water-soluble molecules to be used by your body for energy. These molecules are called ketone bodies.

When the body attains ketosis, many of its cells will start using ketone bodies instead of sugar to produce energy. This process goes on until you start consuming carbohydrates once again.

Foods to Eat and Avoid when on a Ketogenic Diet

You can eat most seafood and fish, as well as low-carb vegetables, avocados, eggs, cheese, chicken, yogurt, cottage cheese, and nuts and seeds. Consuming unsweetened tea and coffee, as well as dark chocolate, is okay. Foods to avoid include starchy vegetables, fruits, and juices with high sugar content, grains, baked goods, honey, and sugary syrups, chips, crackers, and any form of sugar.

According to many studies, minimizing carbohydrates consumption can greatly help in removing visceral fat. Experts from the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health have studied the effects of ketogenic diets.

They concluded that patients who observe a ketogenic diet saw considerable improvements in their weight. The participants were able to shed off excess weight and dramatically reduced the amount of visceral fat in their bodies.

Aside from making changes to their diets, participants of the study also engaged in regular exercises, with many focusing on aerobic exercise. At the end of the study, many of them were able to get rid of their visceral fat.