Which ‘Amazing Race’ Season 29 Team Will Be Eliminated In Hanoi?

A heartbreaking elimination has sent one team home, and five are now remaining on season 29 of “The Amazing Race.” With the finish line now just a few legs away, the name of the game is strategy and the teams will fight as hard as they can to make it to the finish line first, and at least one more team will need to fall along the way.
Spoiler Alert: The ending of Season 29, Episode 7 “Good Job, Donkey” Is Discussed Below.
The drama amongst the teams themselves has mostly all faded, and with the finish line so close, they’ve all had to turn their focus on each other, trying to find any way possible to make sure another team can’t beat them to the finish line. The pressure is on, and a double U-Turn in Athens officially worked to knock Mike and Liz out of the race when they were given simply too many tasks to complete to beat the other teams after initially getting very lost on their way to the Detours. The U-Turn also took a toll on one of the strongest teams to compete thus far this season as well, and with the race now getting to the final legs, it could be a major blow to that team’s continued success.
Read: Mike And Liz Get U-Turned In Greece On “The Amazing Race”
So as the race moves to Hanoi, Vietnam, which team seems most likely to fall short of making it to the semi-final legs? Here’s our ranking of where we think the teams will fall by the time the next leg comes to an end.
Tara Carr and Joey Covino (#TeamMomandDad):

Finally back on top after a few legs where they fell a couple of spots, Tara and Joey have once again shown the other teams that their ages are not a factor and they are a team to beat. Their re-established dominance, combined with their decent relationship and attention to detail will continue working in their favor, and it seems extremely unlikely they will be eliminated in the next leg. The one thing that could work against them is the fact that they did U-Turn Becca and Floyd in Greece in an effort to help Mike and Liz feel less defeated, and choosing to U-Turn them of all people will likely make them less liked by the other remaining teams.
However, with no other U-Turns likely to come up, they should still be safe from any sort of retaliation that could drastically knock them down and out.
Matt Ladley and Redmond Ramos (#TheBoys):

Back to the number two spot that they’ve frequented throughout the race (except in Venice), there’s still nothing that seems likely to touch Matt and Redmond. There are no other U-Turns coming, meaning no one will be able to try and take them out (though their dominance the time they were U-Turned seems to suggest it isn’t worth trying to do it to them anyway). It doesn’t seem like anything really can or will stand in their way.
Read: Could “The Amazing Race” Be At Risk Of Cancellation?
Brooke Camhi and Scott Flanary (#TeamBrookeandScott):

Things are beginning to look up for Brooke and Scott more and more. They seemed to get a confidence boost after Brooke completed her Roadblock quickly in Venice, and again now when she also did well in Athens. With a third place finish for the first, time, they have proven they have what it takes to keep going.
However, their decision to U-Turn Mike and Liz, no matter how strategic it actually was, or how badly they felt about it afterwards, is something that could work against them as well. Knowing they went back on the promise they made Mike and Liz in Dar es Salaam when Mike helped Brooke complete her Roadblock will make other teams more hesitant to trust them, and with less allies on their side, the pressure could get to them and cause their relationship to disintegrate again.
London Kaye and Logan Bauer (#TeamLoLo):

Somehow, staying near the back and middle of the pack is still working out for London and Logan. Other teams seem to like them, and they try to avoid any back-handed tactics at all costs, so no one wants to target them. Still, with their inability to really break ahead at any point, it seems like they should have been eliminated a while ago. At this point though, since an elimination hasn’t been something they’ve had to worry about yet, it feels more like they’re going to stealthily make it to the final.
Becca Droz and Floyd Pearce (#TeamFun):
Unfortunately, the success of the other teams means that Team Fun could likely be the next ones knocked out of the race. Despite being strong competitors, they did get lost enough in Greece to set them back even more than the U-Turn already did. While Brooke and Scott and London and Logan also checked in while it was dark out (Tara and Joey and Matt and Redmond checked in during daylight hours), they at least still appeared to have some sort of sizeable lead on Becca and Floyd in terms of what time they checked in to the pit stop. If the other teams have at least an hour on them and there is no equalizer when it comes to the flight to Vietnam, they could wind up staying too far behind and the time to make up will be too great—meaning Team Fun is most likely to be eliminated next.
“The Amazing Race” airs Thursdays at 10 p.m. EDT on CBS.
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