Why Is Business Etiquette So Important
Why Is Business Etiquette So Important Photo by Joshua Ness on Unsplash

For any business to flourish and thrive, business etiquette is essential. Business etiquette is defined as the rules that govern employers' and employees' interaction within an organization. It also includes the interaction between these two parties and their customers and clients.

Additionally, business etiquette is how a company conveys its image to its customers and suppliers. It is also how a business communicates with any other entity within its value chain. Business etiquette is what sets one company apart from another in the marketplace.


What are the Basics of Business Etiquette?

Business etiquette is fostered by building strong relationships with those in the company's organization. These strong relationships are essential to have with those who consume their products or use their services. It is having respect for everyone, regardless of their position in the value chain.

There are several basics when it comes to business etiquette; they include:


Whether arriving to work or meeting a client outside the office, all employees should be at least five minutes early. Arriving to work on time shows that an employee takes their job seriously. Being punctual to a meeting shows the individual that you value their time, making the customer feel important.

Dressing Appropriately

If the office dress code dictates that everyone maintains an official dress code, this must be observed without fail. Dress down Fridays should not be taken to an extreme. Business etiquette dictates that everyone keep within the confines of their organization's dress code.

Be Personable

Having a pleasant and personable outlook is excellent for any work environment. An example of this is colleagues going out of their way each morning to greet one another. Remembering the names of colleagues and customers is also part of having a personable nature. Sending polite emails at all times is also part of good business etiquette. Being ready to offer a thank you for any help extended your way also points to politeness.

Be Respectful, especially in Shared Spaces

Don't hog the coffee maker, and when you take the last cup, start another batch. Don't leave the communal copier strewn with copies of documents that should otherwise be in the bin. Keep conversations respectful and professional with both colleagues and clients.

Importance of Business Etiquette


The importance of business etiquette cannot be overemphasized; here are some of the reasons why.

Creates a Good First Impression

One only gets a single chance to make a good first impression. Practicing business etiquette helps always to capture this chance and shine. The way employees carry themselves in speech and attire says a lot about the organization in general. Being on time will also create a good first impression; customers and prospective clients will take the organization seriously when you show you do to. Business etiquette shows when individuals are confident about their skills and place them at par or above other professionals.

Makes Relations at the Workplace Better

Providing professional interactions with employees and coworkers allows for a better work environment. There will be no room for familiarity, which could breed issues such as sexual harassment allegations, and so on. Since professionalism will always be at the forefront of your mind, interactions will be civilized and proper. Respect will foster a positive rapport in the workplace.

Increased Growth in Business

A professional person is more trustworthy than one who carries themselves unprofessionally. When an organization enforces good business etiquette, they will find that they retain customers longer. Additionally, a salesperson or customer-facing representative with good business etiquette is bound to bring in more sales. From the way they dress to the way they talk and carry themselves, their professionalism will shine. All these qualities will give a potential customer more faith in the organization, and it's products and services.

Company and Personal Image Enhancement

A company whose employees are dressed professionally and have a courteous and personable nature make the company look good. Everyone wants to be associated with a professional company. Additionally, when business owners and employees observe all the business etiquette rules, their image changes too. Their dressing and the way they talk will be enhanced by and by. Professionalism will become second nature.


The importance of business etiquette cannot be overemphasized. Many large companies that are well-structured and enjoy great success have understood the importance of business etiquette. They ensure that proper business etiquette is at the root of all their operations. Although these rules seem obvious, it is easy to forget them or even disregard their importance.

When a business puts itself in the shoes of others, it will offer better business practices. The same applies to individuals who work for a particular organization. When they find a professional work ethic in place, they will have no choice but to conform to these business etiquette practices.