MC Hammer
MC Hammer may be the most famous celebrity to go broke. The 1990s rap star of "Can't Touch This" and Hammer pants fame reportedly blew $12 million on a mansion, stables for his 19 thoroughbred horses, and a staff of about 200 people, according to Jet magazine. The hip-hop icon, who reportedly made $33 million off a single album, declared bankruptcy in 1996 with $13 million in debt. Reuters

The legendary MC Hammer, the first "mainstream" rapper who ruled the airwaves from 1988 to 1998 BI (Before the Internet) with huge hits like "U Can't Touch This," seems to have struck an unlikely friendship with presidential daughter Ivanka Trump.

A Pentecostal who strayed from the Lord but found his way back to form his own Christian ministry, Hammer now also devotes his time to give inmates a better future beyond prison. He's been working with nonprofit The Last Mile (TLM) for the past 10 years. The organization teaches computer coding and job training to incarcerated people around the United States. MC now says his initials stand for "Man of Christ."

It's this work with the U.S. prison population that brought MC and Ivanka together in an unlikely partnership. Ivanka was only seven years-old when Stanley Burrell (Hammer's real name) exploded onto U.S. music with fast-paced rap and huge Hammer pants.

They met Wednesday in Indiana for a meeting of the American Workforce Policy Advisory Board (WPAB) to discuss job opportunities for former inmates. Ivanka is a co-chair of the WPAB board along with Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross. Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb and Apple Inc. CEO Tim Cook are members of the board.

"Enjoyed my conversations on prison reform and reentry with @IvankaTrump today," tweeted Hammer to his 3.3 million Twitter follows Wednesday along with a photo of him standing beside Ivanka. "Tomorrow we go inside the Women’s Prison to visit @TLM coding classroom at IWP. The stars are the students who will showcase their capstone projects. Thanks to @GovHolcomb for hosting."

The photo was taken at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway where Ivanka was also photographed taking a few speedy laps around the track -- as a passenger. On Thursday, Hammer, Ivanka and their colleagues were at the Indiana Women's Prison where they were given a tour that focused on job training for inmates. Cook joined them at the prison.

"Now @IvankaTrump, @GovHolcomb, @tim_cook and @MCHammer are touring Indiana Women’s Prison to learn about @TLM," tweeted Kelly Reinke, a reporter at FOX59 and CBS4 Indy.