President-elect Donald Trump promised to change the way business is done in Washington — voters just don't agree whether what he has in mind will be good or bad. Trump is pictured here at a USA Thank You Tour event in Mobile, Alabama, Dec. 17, 2016. Lucas Jackson/Reuters

Americans believe President-elect Donald Trump will indeed bring change to Washington once he’s inaugurated Jan. 20 — they just don’t agree on whether it will be good or bad.

A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released Sunday indicated 68 percent of Americans believe the real estate mogul will change the way business is conducted in Washington, with a third believing it will be the wrong kind of change.

During the campaign, Trump pledged to "drain the swamp."

Half of those queried approved of the way Trump is handling the transition, compared to the 73 percent approval rating President Barack Obama got in 2008.

Fifty-five percent of those asked said they were concerned about Russian attempts to try to influence the election results, but 57 percent said they didn’t think those efforts had any impact.

Thirty percent said Trump is too friendly with Russian President Vladimir Putin compared to 24 percent who said they aren’t worried about the relationship, and 44 percent said they had no opinion. Only 3 percent of Trump supporters expressed concern compared to two-thirds of Hillary Clinton supporters.

Clinton would have won the election if it hadn’t been for hacked emails from her campaign and the Democratic National Committee, 25 percent of respondents said.

The poll queried 1,000 adults Dec. 12-15 and had a margin of error of 3.1 percentage points.

With the Electoral College vote just a day away, a Washington Post/Qualtrics poll indicates 52 percent of Republicans think Trump won the popular balloting even though Clinton had some 2.7 million more votes. Among Republicans without a college degree, the proportion was even larger, 60 percent.

Overall, 29 percent of those queried said they thought Trump won the popular vote, similar to the results of a recent Pew Research Center survey that found 19 percent of Americans were under that impression.

The Qualtrics poll queried 1,011 adults Dec. 6-12.