Woman Finds Snake Slithering Out Of Bag Full Of Potatoes, Kills Reptile To Protect Son
A woman in New South Wales was shocked to find a snake slithering out of a bag full of potatoes.
Marissa Davidson reached her home Friday afternoon after buying 4 kilograms (8 pounds) of potatoes from a store. She placed the bag in the kitchen and took out two potatoes. When she returned to take out the remaining potatoes, she was shocked to find a snake slithering out. Upon noticing that the reptile was heading toward her five-year-old son, she immediately stopped it using a laundry basket following which she killed the reptile.
Recalling the incident, Davidson said, "I opened it and I grabbed two potatoes out, and I was like, 'Oh no, I'll do three' and turned around to get the other one and it jumped out.”
“The closet thing I had to me was a laundry basket, it was attacking the laundry basket, viciously attacking it. I grabbed my son then ran and got my vacuum pole and smashed it's head off. It was terrifying, I still can't sleep,” she said.
“He [her son] has got hypoplastic left heart syndrome, which is half a heart, it would of been life threatening for him,” she added.
Meanwhile, snake catcher Stuart McKenzie from Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers 24/7 said the reptile appeared to be a marsh snake.
"It's definitely not something you would expect to come out of your groceries, it would even give me a surprise. For people whenever you see a snake, whether it's in your shopping bag or it turns up in your bedroom, or backyard, the best thing to do is back off from it. Take a couple of deep breaths, just realize that the snake means you no harm at all. Get any kids and pets away from the area and call your local snake catcher,” he said.