Woman Hurls Cat Across Backyard Into Chasing Dog’s Path As Friend Records Act

In a “disgusting” act of animal cruelty, a woman was caught on camera hurling a pet cat across her yard because the feline was attacking her dogs. The incident took place in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia, last week.
A video of the incident showed the accused, identified as Charli Gowland, throwing the long-haired cat named Merlin meters into the air and in the path of a chasing dog. The video was filmed and posted on Instagram by the woman's friend, Jamilla Pearcy.
Speaking to local media, the accused said what she did was wrong and apologized for the act. Though a friend of the accused said the feline died in the attack, Gowland was adamant that it was very much alive. It was, however, not clear who the cat belonged to.
Meanwhile, police were investigating the incident and the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has also been notified.
“I have seen the video and it’s absolutely disgraceful. We have zero tolerance for animal cruelty in this community. Apart from it being really distasteful and disgusting, I don’t see why anyone would see a video like that being funny,” a Wagga Wagga police officer said.