'World Of Warcraft: Warlords Of Draenor' Is Coming In November; Will Have 8 New Dungeons

Blizzard Entertainment's massively multiplayer online role-playing game “World of Warcraft” is getting its fifth expansion pack, “Warlords of Draenor,” on Nov. 13. The downloadable content is currently available for preorder here.
“Warlords of Draenor” will introduce eight new dungeons for users to play in. Half of these are spread between levels 90 to 99, with the remaining four set at level 100. The new content offers a slew of formidable enemies, from killer plants to an entire dungeon set on a moving train.
Check out descriptions of the dungeons below, via Battle.net.
Bloodmaul Slag Mines
Location: Frostfire Ridge Level: 90-92 Bosses: 4
This level 90-92 dungeon takes you into the sweltering heat of active volcanic caverns wherein Bloodmaul ogres run a brutal mining operation powered by the blood and sweat of slaves acquisitioned from all across Draenor. The Slag Mines produce a bounty of gemstones and ore, but it’s rumored that the true purpose of these mines is to dig for an ancient relic of immense power.
This level also has four new bosses.
Iron Docks
Location: Gorgrond Level: 92-94 Bosses: 4
To put a stop to the Iron Horde’s naval powerhouse, you’ll need to venture into this level 92-94 dungeon. This port located on the northern coast of Gorgrond houses the Iron Horde’s shipyard, filled with massive warships and artillery forged and assembled within the Blackrock Foundry. In addition to this seafaring arsenal, elite infantry units are joined by trained beasts to comprise the ground troops.
Location: Talador Level: 94-97 Bosses: 4
Auchindoun is the holy mausoleum of the draenei, a sanctum of the Light in which the spirits of the dead find respite. It’s also a level 94-97 dungeon found within Talador. The crystalline structure serves to protect and shield draenei souls from their eternal enemies: the Burning Legion, who hunger for draenei spirits. For the Shadow Council, this holy place is an opportunity ripe for the picking, as Gul’dan and his minions work to gain favor with their demonic masters.
Shadowmoon Burial Grounds
Location: Shadowmoon Valley Level: 100 Bosses: 4
This level 100 dungeon is located within Shadowmoon Valley. The traditional burial grounds of the Shadowmoon clan are the final resting place for countless of generations of ancestors. All is not as it should be however and Ner’zhul has sacrificed more than his clan can afford as a part of his desperate quest for power. Now the ancestral spirits are restless, tormented and used to fuel dark rituals that will pull all of Draenor into the void if allowed to run their course.
You’ll encounter four new bosses, including Shadowmoon chieftain Ner’zhul himself. It’s up to you to put a stop to the chaos he’s set in motion.
The Everbloom
Location: Gorgrond Level: 100 Bosses: 5
Plants – they seem so harmless until they try to kill you. This level 100 dungeon is located in Gorgrond, within the very heart of the deadliest forests in Draenor. After the disruption of the Dark Portal, the Kirin Tor, in a bid to establish a supply line to fight the Iron Horde on their own soil, have set up outposts across Draenor with magical links back to Azeroth. Unfortunately, what seemed like a prime strategic location near the Blackrock Foundry is a sacred place to the botani.
Grimrail Depot
Location: Gorgrond Level: 100 Bosses: 3
If you’ve ever wanted to enjoy the sights of Draenor by train, then this isn’t the ride for you. If you want fast-paced action on a moving train, then we’ve got you covered. The Grimrail Depot is a level 100 dungeon and a vital hub in the Iron Horde war machine. Allowing for the transport of troops and materials produced in the Blackrock Foundry to the front lines of the war being waged across Draenor, the Depot’s namesake is the Grimrail itself. This massive train can bear entire battalions of troops and artillery. Fitted with a massive railgun powerful enough to shatter the shield protecting Shattrath, the train is about to depart. Do you have your boarding pass? It’s going to be a heck of a ride.
Upper Blackrock Spire
Location: Blackrock Mountain (Azeroth) Level: 100 Bosses: 5
This is a mountain that is rife with history. Heroes of Azeroth have long fought and bled through its halls, but now this imposing fortress is under new management. This level 100 dungeon in the upper reaches of Blackrock Spire is now home to the Ironmarch vanguard. As preparations to use the Spire as the staging ground for a full-scale invasion of Azeroth continue, the Iron Horde has set up a terrifying contingency plan: a doomsday weapon within the heart of the Blackrock Mountain.
"World of Warcraft" launched in 2004 and was developed by Irvine, California-based Blizzard Entertainment. It's one of the most popular online multiplayer games in the world, with more than 6.8 million subscribers.
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