• Michael Dezer, the owner of a Miami-based car museum, bought the car
  • "American Dream" is now just a little over 100 feet in length
  • The restoration work took three years to complete

"American Dream," the U.S.-built limousine which once held the world record for being the longest car, has gained renewed attention after a Miami-based car museum restored it.

The luxury car, which houses extravagant features like a swimming pool, a helipad, and a hot tub, was extended to 100 feet from its original 60 feet by car customizer Jay Ohrberg in 1986 and was recognized by Guinness World Records that same year.

As per the official site of the Guinness World Records, the car, while at the peak of its popularity, was rented out for cinematic appearances. However, the fame didn't last long due to lack of demand and high maintenance costs.

After the chatter surrounding the car died down, it was left in a state of neglect in a New Jersey warehouse for years; developing rust had rendered some parts of the car unworthy of repair, iHeart Radio reported.

The vehicle was eventually put up for sale on eBay where Michael Manning, the owner of a technical teaching museum called Autoseum in Nassau County, bought it for restoration, Mashable reported.

"I first found the car at an autobody show in New Jersey and it was garbage. It was covered in graffiti, the windows were broken, the tires were flat, but I fell in love with it anyway," iHeart quoted Manning as saying.

However, Manning also faced some obstacles in his bid to repair the car and eventually listed it back on eBay for sale. This time, Michael Dezer, owner of the Dezerland Park Car Museum and Tourist Attractions in Orlando, Florida, purchased the vehicle, with Manning agreeing to assist with the restoration.

Dezer's team proceeded with the restoration, putting in hard work and resources to bring "American Dream" back to its former glory. The car underwent repair work at Dezer's own theme park, Dezerland Park, and came out to break its previous record by a small margin 1.5 inches extra length on top of the 100 feet.

Guinness World Records shared a video of the restored car on its official Instagram page, enabling social media users to have an eyeful of the beauty.

As Dezer gave viewers a tour into the car's interior, people couldn't contain their excitement. "I want a ride in the longest car," wrote one person in the comment section. "This is the way to show that it is your father's road," said another.

US President Joe Biden rides in the 'Beast' limousine
US President Joe Biden rides in the 'Beast' limousine AFP / JIM WATSON