Casey Anthony may be having a change of heart when it comes to having a second child. The mother that was known as the most hated mom in America reportedly is considering having a baby after the murder of her first daughter Caylee.

A source told People that Anthony is reassessing her life and trying to figure out what she should do next, now that her legal troubles are over and nearly a decade has passed since she was acquitted of the murder of her daughter.

Still residing in Florida, Anthony was primarily maintained a low-profile, rarely being seen except for a few instances when she was frequenting a local bar, giving out parenting advice, or partying on St. Patrick’s Day.

Now, Anthony seems to have a change of heart on being a mother after she told the Associated Press in 2017 she most likely wouldn’t have more children.

At the time, Anthony said, “If I am blessed enough to have another child — if I’d be dumb enough to bring another kid into this world knowing that there’d be a potential that some little snot-nosed kid would then say something mean to my kid — I don’t think I could live with that.”

However, things have changed for the 33-year-old as a source for People said, “She feels like her biological clock is ticking.

“She knows she’s getting older. She’s not the young girl who everyone saw on trial. She’s in her 30s, wondering what to do next, and hoping that she can find some meaning in her life,” the source added.

Even her family has hopes that Anthony will become a mother again as her father George Anthony, who was diagnosed with brain damage after a car accident, said on the “Dr. Oz” show in 2018, “If she is granted a chance to have another child, I hope that child is strong, grows up to be a worthwhile part of society and, the person that she has the child with, I hope they are going to love her and that child immensely.”

Currently, Anthony lives with one of her private investigators, who was part of her legal team in her high-publicized case. She was dating a man last year, but the relationship seems to have fizzled out, according to People.

“She wasn’t ready to settle down,” the source said.

But now marriage and family are a possibility for her as the source said, “Marriage, family, the white picket fence. In some ways, that’s very appealing to Casey. She’d want things to be less dysfunctional than the family she had growing up, but she likes the idea of stability.”

caylee and casey anthony
An image displayed on a courtroom monitor shows a photo entered into evidence in the Casey Anthony trial showing the late 2-year-old Caylee Anthony with her mother Casey at the Orange County Courthouse on Friday, June 10, 2011. Reuters