Pictured: Representative image of a cup of coffee. cocoparisienne - Pixabay

Many people understand the importance of indulging in healthy eating. For one, this abates the onset of many diseases. When ailments are rare, then you can expect to live longer. Aside from food, a recent study revealed that there is one beverage, which could help add more years to life.

Do You Love Coffee?

If you are a certified coffee lover, then this news would make you feel really better. Studies have found that among the beverages out there, coffee is among the healthiest. Coffee has all those fantastic compounds, which offers body tons of health benefits.

According to Express’ report, a lot of the compounds that are found in coffee are antioxidants. These antioxidants protect the body from oxidative stress brought about by nasty free radicals. The oxidation process, which coffee compounds fight, is known to cause some of the worst ailments, including heart disease and cancer. Aside from protecting the body from these diseases, it also slows down the process of aging.

Thousands of Antioxidants

Scientists were able to identify around 1,000 antioxidants in coffee. In addition to the existing ones found in beans, the roasting process leads to the development of more antioxidants.

A study by The New England Journal of Medicine investigated the link between coffee consumption and the risk of dying. The study observed men and women in a 12-year study period. The age group of participants was between 50 to 71 years old.

Four to Five Cups

According to the results of the study, they found that those who consumed more coffee were less likely to have died during the 12 years. Ideally, those who drank four to five cups per day gained the most health benefits. They had a reduced risk of dying early. Men had a 12% reduced risk, while women had a 16% reduction.

Those who drank in moderation also showed positive effects. Those who consume one cup of coffee per day had a reduced risk of 5% to 6%. Although consuming more than 6 cups in one day would not yield any added benefits to the body.

It also looked into specific causes of death. They found out that avid coffee drinkers would be at a lower risk of dying from respiratory diseases, diabetes, infections, stroke, or heart disease. With all these great benefits coffee offers, now is the best time to start grabbing a cup.

The study found that looking into particular causes of death; researchers found that coffee drinkers were less likely to die from infections, injuries, accidents, respiratory disease, diabetes, stroke, and heart disease.