6 Tips For Hiring Employees In A Gig Economy

More and more workers have become involved in what we call a "gig economy." Some people have chosen to move from one short-term contract with one employer to another. Others, perhaps unable to find a full-time job, have no other alternative.
In either case, these freelancers are smartly offering their services in a competitive market. Here, we discuss six things to consider if you are hiring someone for a specific short-term job.
1. How to find the right person

It doesn't matter if you need a plumber to fix your bathroom or an IT specialist for a short-term contract. Several agencies match jobs to qualified people, from online resources to local temp agencies.
For example, in the United States, TaskRabbit can find you a handyman for everyday tasks. For IT specialists or project managers, you could try Upwork. There's an agency that represents almost every profession. Alternatively, you might see an advertisement or website offering services for hire, or a friend might recommend someone.
But no matter how you contact someone, you should always ask for references and follow up with them. Some online agencies, as a safety measure, run background checks. Temp agencies will usually do the same.
2. Be flexible
Flexibility works both ways. Say you find someone who meets your needs, but discover that they can only work in the mornings. You really wanted someone who can work all day. Is this an insurmountable problem? Can you change your schedule a little?
The person who is offering their services should also consider that their employer might be working on a tight deadline. Are these workers willing to go the extra mile to finish the task on time?
You also need to be flexible about time. Some jobs take longer than expected. Both sides of the contract should take this into account.
3. Post a clear job description
A carefully crafted job description will attract the right person. Your job description should be as accurate, unambiguous and as transparent as possible. You are hiring someone to complete a specific task in a set amount of time. Ensure that they know exactly what you expect of them, your timeline and any skills they need to complete the job.
4. Avoid legal complications

You have to be very careful as to how different parties interpret the contract that you offer someone. Sometimes an employer misclassifies a worker as an independent, self-employed agent when they are really an employee of the company. This can cause considerable legal problems.
For example, Uber, a perfect example of a gig economy job, in the United Kingdom, classified its drivers as independent contractors. However, the British legal system did not consider these workers "independent contractors." Given the conditions that Uber placed on its drivers, British judges ruled Uber drivers were employees and entitled to the benefits of that status.
5. Pay your employee
As an employer, pay the amount you promised for the service that has been provided. And pay on time. You might want to use this person again in the future. Also, people who offer their skills through agencies share their experiences. You don't want a bad reputation.
6. Treat your employee well
This tip should go without saying, but we'll repeat it. If you are satisfied with the work that your employee has done, tell them. Also, this person is a professional and may have worked for other companies in the same line of work as you. They may have suggestions. Take time to listen to them courteously.
Go the extra mile, and don't avoid it. Send your employee a birthday message, for example, even if they have long left your business. You might need them for a job soon, and this is a great way to open up communication again.
The bottom line is that employees like to know when they are appreciated. Treating people well is good for your image, their self-esteem, and ultimately, your business.
Hiring people in a gig economy is usually uncomplicated and saves a company considerable hiring expenses. If problems do arise, you can usually resolve them with a friendly chat or by contacting the employment agency -- if you used one.
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