Andy Rooney: Reactions to the Death of 'Everyone’s Favorite Curmudgeon'
Andy Rooney died on Friday at age 92 after a long career as a journalist and frequent contributor to CBS News' program 60 Minutes.
CBS News announced the death of the three-time Emmy award winner, saying Rooney died of complications from a minor surgery that he underwent recently.
Andy Rooney, the '60 Minutes' commentator known to generations for his wry, humorous and contentious television essays -- a unique genre he is credited with inventing -- died today, CBS News reported.
Rooney rose to fame in the 1970s with weekly appearances on 60 Minutes and his catchphrase, Did you ever notice ... ?
Survived by four children, Rooney was an author of several best-selling books and known for rousing controversy at CBS for making offensive comments.
The death of Andy Rooney has sparked a flood of comments on Twitter about the passing of everyone's favorite curmudgeon, or so Katie Couric of ABC News called him. Here are some of those comments below:
@realjeffreyross Jeffrey Ross: Sad news: Andy Rooney passed away loudly in his sleep last night. #roastinpeace
@newtgingrich Newt Gingrich: Andy rooney was a great commentator on the American scene and on observations about life in general -- he will be missed
@katiecouric Katie Couric: Andy Rooney was everyone's favorite curmudgeon. His crankiness made us smile.
@RyanSeacrest Ryan Seacrest: I'm gonna miss Andy Rooney ... he was one of the few folks on TV who still spoke his mind and had no qualms about what people thought
@Zac_Posen Zac Posen: RIP Andy Rooney. Great memories of watching 60 Minutes on @cbsnews at my grandparents house when I was younger. Zp
@katemoennig Kate Moennig: RIP Andy Rooney. i watched you every sunday growing up. you were the king of insightful crankiness.
@TalibKweli Talib Kweli Greene: I have 2 great grandchildren, although they are too young to truly know if they are great or not. (Andy Rooney RIP)
@EthanSuplee Ethan Suplee: RIP Andy Rooney, the mundane will have to go back to being mundane.
@MittRomney Mitt Romney: Andy Rooney left an indelible mark in the news industry. My thoughts are with his daughter Emily and the rest of the family.
@ariannahuff Arianna Huffington: Rest in peace, Andy Rooney. You will be missed.
@darrenrovell Darren Rovell: RIP Andy Rooney. Without you, 60 Minutes will forever seem like 59 Minutes to me.
@komcnees Kelly O. McNees: RIP, Andy Rooney. In your honor, I am going to complain about absolutely everything today.
@lisaling Lisa Ling: Rest in peace Andy Rooney. Your voice will be missed.
@mitchellreports Andrea Mitchell: Sad news the passing of television icon Andy Rooney, a great writer and irreplaceable curmudgeon who was a lovely man RIP
@LoniLove Loni Love: RIP Andy Rooney...thxs for all the laughs
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