Ann Coulter Jewish Controversy During CNN Debate: How Many Jews Are In The United States?

Conservative pundit Ann Coulter is not known for her good manners, but she seemingly crossed a new barrier of hostility Wednesday night when she tweeted offensive comments about Jewish Americans as the GOP candidates debated Israel and national security. Coulter, who seemed to be accusing the candidates of pandering to Jewish voters after four of 11 candidates mentioned their support for Israel in their closing remarks, questioned the number of Jewish people the candidates thought lived in the United States.
Coulter, who has 660,000 Twitter followers, was following the second televised Republican debate held Wednesday at the Ronald Reagan Library in California. She also wrote of former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee: "Good Grief, Huckabee is running for prime minister of Israel." Coulter continued her Twitter rant by noting: "How to get applause from GOP donors: 1) Pledge to start a war 2) Talk about job creators 3) Denounce abortion 4) Cite Reagan 5) Cite Israel." Meanwhile, Coulter referenced the Holocaust in her review of the debate Wednesday, writing, "The other problem with the Be Reagan strategy is: It's not 1980 anymore. Reagan's election is as far away today as the defeat of Hitler was then."
Coulter has insulted Jewish Americans before. In a 2007 interview on CNBC's "The Big Idea," Coulter told Jewish host Donny Deutsch that she wants her dream America to be completely Christian.
Roughly 7 million Jews live in the United States. The four candidates who mentioned Israel during the debate hosted by CNN were Huckabee, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.
After Coulter's tweet, some social media users said her account had been hacked, while others slammed her remarks. Followers called Coulter "anti-Semitic," and "desperate for attention," calling her statement "f---ing offensive." Others defended her, as #IStandWithAnn began trending on Twitter Thursday morning.
America has interests that aren't Israel's interests #IStandWithAnn
— John J. Johnson (@JohnJJohnsonMN) September 17, 2015
To all the #IStandWithAnn anti-Semites in my mentions: always nice to hear from you, but just fyi, I'm forwarding your accounts to Mossad HQ
— Yair Rosenberg (@Yair_Rosenberg) September 17, 2015
#IStandWithAnn because whites are racist not matter what we say
— White Advocate (@WhitePride14_88) September 17, 2015
How many f---ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) September 17, 2015
@AnnCoulter @andylassner any other minorities that you want to associate with the F Bomb? So much hate in that tweet.. Truly disgusting.
— Brandon anapol (@banapol31) September 17, 2015
Looks like someone's desperate for attention... "@AnnCoulter: How many f---ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?”
— Elizabeth Chang (@ElizabethGChang) September 17, 2015
@derek32smith I've always enjoyed Ann's stuff but this whole Trump/immigration and now Jewish thing is inexplicable to me.
— John O'Connell (@anvilinvest) September 17, 2015
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