Who said computer guys don't enjoy sports? On Thursday night, Apple's senior VP of Internet software was spotted celebrating with the Miami Heat organization after winning its second NBA Championship, and Twitter user Mike Cragg (@mcragg726) uploaded a photo as proof.

Duke's time with the NBA trophy! Congrats @ShaneBattier and Nick Arison with Heidi, @JennaGreen, Eddy and me. ?#GoDuke?, Cragg tweeted Thursday night.

Cragg describes himself as Duke Blue in the blood for 25 years, which puts his presence in perspective. Shane Battier, the Miami sharpshooter and the sixth overall selection in the 2001 NBA Draft, is a Duke alum. So is Cue, Apple's Mac software guru. The fact that Cragg mentions Eddy like he's just one of the guys would lead one to believe that Cragg is friends with Cue.

The others in the picture are Nick Arison, the son of Miami Heat owner Mickey Arison, Arison's wife Heidi, and Jenna Green, another Duke alum and current grad student. We don't know if Cue is actually a big NBA fan or not, but one thing is for sure: It's all about the Duke connection!