Immigration remains a key election issue for many Americans ahead of November's vote, in which US President Joe Biden (pictured) will face off again with likely Republican nominee Donald Trump, whom he beat in 2020

President Joe Biden announced a major immigration initiative Tuesday, offering a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants married to U.S. citizens. This policy, expected to benefit around 500,000 spouses, allows them to apply for permanent residency without leaving the U.S. and eventually seek citizenship, according to Reuters. The move also includes provisions for approximately 50,000 children under age 21 with a U.S.-citizen parent to qualify for the same process.

The White House stated that these actions aim to promote family unity and strengthen the economy. To qualify, spouses must have lived in the U.S. for at least 10 years. Approved applicants will receive temporary work permits and protection from deportation during the application process, as reported by Sky News.

Biden's announcement follows a recent crackdown on asylum requests at the U.S.-Mexico border, a move that drew criticism from immigration advocates and some Democratic politicians, Sky News indicated. This new policy seeks to balance stricter border enforcement with a more humane approach to immigration.

Former President Donald Trump, Biden's Republican rival in the upcoming election, criticized the new program as "amnesty." Trump has pledged to end automatic citizenship for children born to undocumented immigrants and to initiate mass deportations if re-elected, as reported by both Sky News and Reuters.

Polling shows a majority of voters in key battleground states support allowing long-term residents married to U.S. citizens to stay in the country. Biden's initiative may strengthen his appeal among Latino and immigrant communities while also resonating with moderate voters, Reuters reported.

The Biden administration also announced measures to ease the process for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients to obtain work visas. These announcements were made during an event at the White House, marking the anniversary of the DACA program, as per Reuters.