‘Big Brother’ 20 Spoilers: Swaggy Makes Promise To Kaitlyn After Blindside, Will He Be Evicted?

After days of teasing her plans to backdoor her alliance member Swaggy, Kaitlyn’s plans came to fruition on Monday in the “Big Brother” house.
Before CBS viewers see the Season 20 cast play in the week’s Veto competition, live feed watchers were able to get the inside scoop on the post-Veto nomination ceremony and Swaggy’s reaction to Kaitlyn’s blindside.
As the current Head of Household, Kaitlyn was tasked with nominating two houseguests for eviction. Last week, she put up Scottie and Winston, with a secret plan to pull one of them off the block and put up Swaggy at a later date. After Tyler, who helped orchestrate her plot, won the Veto competition, he used it to pull down Scottie. Kaitlyn responded by nominating Swaggy for eviction alongside Winston and, as expected, her decision wasn’t drama-free.
Big Brother Network kept tabs on the houseguests throughout the day on Monday and revealed just how the cast reacted to Kaitlyn’s surprise decision to put up a member of her original alliance.
According to the site, Kaitlyn cried in her HOH room after nominations while Swaggy retreated to another room and told his showmance Bayleigh he wouldn’t panic. He was also heard talking to Haleigh, who told him to lay low and hope more votes would stack up against Winston before Thursday’s live eviction.
After talking to Swaggy, Bayleigh sat down with Kaitlyn to get insight into her move. Kaitlyn told Bayleigh she couldn’t get past the way Swaggy treated her and his alleged comment that she was a liability to his game.
When Swaggy spoke to Kaitlyn, she told him that she heard he said she was a low priority in their alliance, which also consisted of Rockstar, Haleigh and Faysal. Swaggy told her their group suffered following her love triangle with Faysal and Haleigh. Their talk ended with Swaggy promising Kaitlyn he wouldn’t go after her or Tyler if he remained in the game.
Tyler is just humoring Swaggy - he has no intention of changing who he wants out. #bb20 pic.twitter.com/ofTgZkXQVx
— Big Brother Gossip (@BBGossip) July 10, 2018
Following her conversation with Swaggy, Kaitlyn told Tyler they couldn’t vote Swaggy out, but Tyler wouldn’t budge on his plans, even after Swaggy asked to secure his vote. While Swaggy wasn’t able to get Tyler’s word he wouldn’t vote for him, Swaggy was heard telling other housegeusts later in the night that he felt he had secured six votes to keep him in the game.
Will Swaggy or Winston be evicted on Thursday’s episode? Share your thoughts in the comments section below. “Big Brother” airs Wednesday at 8 p.m. EST on CBS.
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