Star Wars Billy Dee Williams
Lando Calrissian (Billy Dee Williams) in "Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker." Lucasfilm

Billy Dee Williams may be best known for his portrayal of Lando Calrissian in 1980’s “Empire Strikes Back,” and he is now returning to a galaxy far, far away, with a pivotal role in “The Rise of Skywalker.”

In an interview with Variety, Williams divulged on the multitude of changes and the feelings that he bears with donning Lando’s cape once more. Diving deep into his character, his brand, and his ideas on the “Star Wars” universe at large, the 82-year-old actor outright stated the prowess of “Episode 9” while highlighting his own personal favorite in the franchise.

“'Empire Strikes Back’ will probably go down as really one of my favorites,” he said. “But I think this experience will go down as one of the greatest moments in the whole 'Star Wars' saga.”

In describing his favorites, Williams also explained the emotions he felt when donning the cape once more and slinking back into the suave and smooth identity of Lando Calrissian.

“It was fun. I really enjoyed it,” Williams said. “I never expected to really be back in that costume or in the movie, so I still kind of chuckle about the whole thing…It’s a nice feeling to be welcomed back.”

Williams also underscored the power not only inherent within his portrayal of Lando, but also the overall magic of “Star Wars” as a whole. He recalled that he vied to portray Lando as Billy Dee Williams, instead of looking at the character as a black individual in “Star Wars.”

“I always looked at Lando as a charming, roguish kind of character. There’s certainly a lot of me in that character. I think I’m a pretty cool guy,” he said.

“Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” opens in theaters on Dec. 20.