Casey Anthony: Pastor's Wife Who Gave Her Shelter Calls 'Tot Mom' Self-Centered In Disturbing Voicemail

A year after the acquittal of Orlando mother Casey Anthony, facts and clues are still surfacing. A recent voicemail left by a pastor's wife, who sheltered Casey Anthony after the murder trial, lets out yet another clue on who Anthony actually is.
The voicemail obtained exclusively by Radaronline has Pastor's wife Cindy Camp asking Anthony to stop being selfish and to think of others. For once get outside your own head and think of someone else, she says at one point in the voicemail.
Camp is repeatedly heard telling Anthony that it is not all about her. It is also about all the people involved, including those who have supported her and have been there for her throughout the trial. From the conversation, it is apparent that Camp is upset with Anthony because she has been inconsiderate and ungrateful toward Steve Camp and hung-up the phone on him.
Think of this family...they deserve thanks, thanks for having my back here, I'm sorry you have to go through this...nothing! It's just all about you! What is wrong with you?! Really? she said.
Camp also told Anthony not to deal with her attorney Jose Baez anymore.
In the third week of January this year, Anthony was rumored to be staying in a Cross Church in Palm City, run by Pastor Steve Camp and his wife after her release from jail.
Pastor Camp, reportedly, not only allowed Anthony to stay in the church but also helped her spiritually. Churchgoers and neighbors told WPBF-TV that they had seen Anthony living in the church complex and she was also seen playing basketball occasionally.
The residents were outraged by the fact that Anthony was given shelter in the church and Cindy Camp seemed to be talking about the people protesting outside the church in the voicemail.
In January itself, residents of Palm City were spotted near the church with a sign reading Casey Anthony you aren't wanted here, Click Orlando news reported.
Casey Anthony was acquitted of the murder charges of her two-year-old daughter, Caylee Anthony, who went missing in July 2008 and was later found dead under mysterious circumstances in December 2008. Her death still remains a mystery.
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