Chef Nigella Lawson has done it again. The London native has caused a stir with fans, but this time it is not because she has double buttered her toast but rather because of her pronunciation of a common kitchen appliance.

On Monday night’s episode of her BBC Two cooking series "Cook, Eat, Repeat," Lawson baked up a batch of brown butter colcannon – an Irish dish of shredded cabbage and mashed potatoes.

During the show, Lawson mashed up the potatoes, explaining to viewers that some warm milk was needed for the mash.

She said, “I still need a bit of milk – full fat – which I’ve warmed in the microwave.”

Here is where the internet stopped.

Lawson pronounced microwave as “meecro-wah-vay.”

Social media blew up over the pronunciation, with fans in disbelief over what they had just heard. One user on Twitter said, “@Nigella_Lawson pronunciation of ‘microwave’ is a highlight of 2020”

Another Twitter user decided to name their microwave “mi-cro-wav-eh” in Lawson’s honor.

While another user said, they are going to adopt Lawson’s pronunciation of microwave from now on.

Still, another Twitter user said that Lawson just pointed that we have all been saying microwave wrong for the last 50 years or so.

Lawson responded to the fandemonium by saying, “Well, I do say it like that, but not because I think that’s how it’s actually pronounced.”

Lawson previously caught the attention of social media when she double-buttered her toast, causing the internet to exclaim that it was just too much butter for one slice of toast.

Nigella Lawson
Nigella Lawson Reuters