CIA Detainee Torture: 12 Horrifying Excerpts From The Senate Investigation Report

Rectal feeding and icewater baths were among harsh techniques used by CIA officers in interrogating terrorists after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, according to a Senate Intelligence Committee report summary released Tuesday. The committee reviewed the interrogations of about 120 people -- referred to as "detainees" in the report -- and found that in some cases they were tortured, committee chairwoman Dianne Feinstein said in a speech on the Senate floor. The committee concluded that the "enhanced interrogation techniques" weren't effective, and the CIA lied about what they entailed. The program's management was found overall to be "inadequate" and "deeply flawed," USA Today reported.
The findings were the result of a five-year investigation by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, which oversees U.S. intelligence operations. At least five detainees received "rectal rehydration," but there was no medical necessity for the treatment, according to the report. One detainee, Gul Rahman, was forced to sleep on a bare concrete floor in only a sweatshirt. He died of hypothermia the next day, according to the Associated Press.
Some CIA workers were appalled. One interrogator for the detainee program told his colleagues he would "no longer be associated in any way with the interrogation program." "This is a train wreak [sic] waiting to happen and I intend to get the hell off the train before it happens," said the unnamed interrogator, according to the report.
President Barack Obama described the report as "troubling." "These techniques did significant damage to America’s standing in the world and made it harder to pursue our interests with allies and partners,” he said. “That is why I will continue to use my authority as president to make sure we never resort to those methods again.”
As readers pored over the 499-page investigation Tuesday afternoon, some picked out sections that described the officers' actions in graphic detail and published them on social media accounts. Here are some of the most horrifying details shared so far:
Detainees were fed rectally
New torture technique from CIA report: rectal feeding
— Charlie Savage (@charlie_savage) December 9, 2014
They had to stand on their broken legs
CIA forced some detainees who had broken feet or legs to stand in stress-inducing positions
— Anonymous (@AnonyOps) December 9, 2014
Officials gave them unexpected rectal exams
Detainee "mildly 'tense,' 'likely an anticipatory reaction given his recent unexpected rectal exam' the previous day"
— Andrew Blake (@apblake) December 9, 2014
CIA officers with violent histories were allowed to punish detainees
The CIA knowingly let employees with histories of violent and abusive behavior participate in the torture program.
— Katherine Downs (@katkdowns) December 9, 2014
Officers told detainees they'd sexually abuse their moms
... (Torture Report snippet)
— Olivier Knox (@OKnox) December 9, 2014
At least one detainee died, and the officer wasn't disciplined
CIA leadership refused to punish officer who literally killed a detainee during torture session.
— Trevor Timm (@trevortimm) December 9, 2014
Officials detained an innocent man because his name was suspicious
CIA torture report: In 2004, CIA held an innocent Afghan in solitary confinement just bcoz of his name (Gul Rahman).
- Aimal Faizi (@AimalFaizi) December 9, 2014
Detainees were waterboarded and deprived of sleep
Rectal feeding is not a joke, it was a way to exert "total control over the detainee."
— Sean McElwee (@SeanMcElwee) December 9, 2014
Interrogators used "rough takedowns" where detainees were naked and beaten
"Rough takedown" is a CIA euphemism for dragging and beating a naked, blindfolded, and shackled person #TortureReport
— Jake (@JakeGrad) December 9, 2014
Psychologists helped develop the techniques
Psychologists hired by CIA played "central role," says Senate report on CIA torture. Got $180 million contract.
- Niraj Warikoo (@nwarikoo) December 9, 2014
Interrogators invoked religion to convince detainees to give up
The full section on using religion in torture: #TortureReport p 486
— Elizabeth Dias. (@elizabethjdias) December 9, 2014
Torturing didn't work -- the CIA got no information about future attacks
No matter where you are on view of whether it was or wasn't torture...
— Paul Szoldra (@PaulSzoldra) December 9, 2014
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