There are currently over 77,809 coronavirus cases around the world, with the death toll reaching 2,372. South Korea has seen a sharp rise in coronavirus cases, with 220 new infections reported over 24 hours.

There are currently 433 total cases of coronavirus in South Korea, with more than half of the cases tied to a controversial religious group known as the Shincheonji. The organization was founded in 1984 by Lee Man-Hee, with followers believing that Lee is the second coming of Jesus Christ.

The members of the religious group often congregate closely together for long periods of time, making it more likely for the virus to spread. The cases are tied to Shincheonji’s branch in the southern city of Daegu.

South Korean Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun has said that South Korea has entered an “emergency phase” since the new cases were identified.

The Israeli government said nine South Korean tourists who visited the country recently have tested positive for coronavirus. Israel has urged its citizens who have come in close contact with the tour group to self-quarantine.

South Korea’s neighbor, North Korea, has said there are no cases in the country, but experts have claimed that Pyongyang is “lying.”

The coronavirus originated at an animal and seafood market in the Chinese city of Wuhan. The emergency has forced the Chinese government to put millions of its citizens on lockdown, in order to prevent the spread of the virus.

The coronavirus has hurt the world economy, as many major airlines have canceled their flights to China. International companies, such as Google and Apple, have been forced to close their offices and stores in mainland China amid the outbreak.