A McDonald's in Australia will become the first to offer customers plates, cutlery and table service -- at least for a five-week trial period.
According to a new report, the next generation Samsung flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S4, will be announced in an event scheduled for March 15. The device will go on sale in early April.
Six people were killed as an earthquake triggered a tsunami that sent massive waves crashing into several South Pacific islands.
A tsunami warning has been issued for South Pacific islands after a 8.0 magnitude quake struck off the Solomon Islands.
Almost all of the Formula One teams have now unveiled their cars for the coming season.
Israel confirmed the arrests of 25 Palestinians in the West Bank early Monday morning, 23 of whom are Hamas affiliates.
The shaving of heads has a long and notorious history in many parts of the world.
Having just weathered a blizzard of economic reports, investors and traders can look ahead to a fairly light calendar next week.
The last known member of the species died in a zoo in Hobart, Tasmania, in September 1936.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is running for the Australian Senate this year, despite being cooped up in an Ecuadorean Embassy in London.
A man's risk for future heart disease and premature death increased with severity of his erectile dysfunction, a new study found.
Perry lived out her dream of being a talk show host on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" last Friday.
International Business Machines will partner with Germany’s SAP in a new global service for the cloud and “big data."
Emigration spiked by 85 percent in 2011, with people between the ages of 25 and 29 forming the bulk of those departing.
The Serbian star defeated Andy Murray in four sets.
The leaders of the Hilton and Marriott hotel chains used the 2013 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, to promote “smart visas.”
Of the three living species of this creature, the northern hairy-nosed wombat is at most risk of extinction.
Arckaringa Basin could be sitting on the equivalent of anywhere between 3.5 billion and 233 billion barrels of oil.
The United States will join only a handful of countries that allow women to serve in direct combat positions.
The Justice JS Verma committee, set up to propose amendments to existing Indian laws relating to crime against women.
A Chinese military officer warned Australia not to side with the U.S. and Japan if the East China Sea conflict leads to war.
62-year-old tourist Paul Marshallsea may have saved a group of children when he wrestled away a shark lurking in the water.