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Daily Forecast 27/10/2009

The Australian Dollar opens lower on Tuesday at 0.9140 as the recent positive sentiment towards high-yielding currencies evaporated overnight as stocks and commodities both declined. During Monday's domestic session the unit traded briefly beneath US92 cents as local equities began trade in the red. Australia's PPI (producer price index) at the final stage of production came in slightly below expectation at 0.1 per cent for the September quarter however the local unit was well supported and move...

Asian shares uneven; China article trips dollar

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Shares in Japan and South Korea rose on Monday, with Seoul lifted by strong economic growth data, while the dollar slid after a Chinese article said Beijing should raise its euro and yen holdings in its reserves.
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Shrimp's eye points way to better DVDs

The amazing eyes of a giant shrimp living on Australia's Great Barrier Reef could hold the key to developing a new type of super high-quality DVD player, British scientists said on Sunday.
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Trade row hangs over ASEAN summit, security tight

A trade row between Thailand and the Philippines threatened to derail a regional free trade pact on Friday, as hosts Thailand cast tight security over an Asian summit twice postponed due to anti-government protests.
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Asia shares rise on earnings, dollar resumes slide

Asian shares nudged higher on Friday on the back of upbeat earnings reports from the United States and Asia while the dollar resumed a broad slide after a Fed official indicated U.S. interest rates would remain low.
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Daily Commentary - 23/10/2009

The Aussie dollar ran into a wall of resistance ahead of 93 cents during yesterday's Asian morning session retreating throughout the afternoon with the market somewhat disappointed by China's envious 8.9% economic growth result.
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India: Tips to Survive Your First Trip

Someone once told me that India is growing at such a fast rate that the number of babies born in the country per year is equivalent to the entire population of Australia. So every year that passes, India
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BHP chairman tells China: game on

Global miner BHP Billiton acknowledged on Thursday that it and other iron ore producers had at times upset their major customer China and said that Beijing realised it had to play with the big boys.
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Windows 7 hits shelves in Australia

The world's first copy of Microsoft's new operating system, Windows 7, has been bought by an Australian early on Thursday morning, ninemsn reported.
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Daily Forecast 22/10/2009

The Aussie dollar held on to 0.9190 during European exchange with this level becoming somewhat of a key short term technical support as it was the third time in 24 hours the AUD bounced from there.
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EU progress on carbon capture still too slow: RWE

The European Union is taking too long to get up to 12 carbon capture and storage demonstration plants operating by 2015, RWE npower's head of environmental strategy told a carbon conference on Wednesday.
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Space agencies, Google seek ways to save forests

Space agencies and Google Inc are helping an international project to monitor forests by satellite to fight global warming, the head of an international earth observation group said on Tuesday.
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Standard Bank poised to launch $230 million forest fund

South Africa's Standard Bank is close to launching a A$250 million ($230 million) forestry fund in Australia, aimed at selling carbon offsets to companies, in what is believed to be the largest fund of its kind so far.
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World leaders told to seal climate deal in person

Britain urged world leaders on Monday to turn up in person to salvage a U.N. climate deal in Copenhagen in December, as Australia and India outlined steps to rein in their greenhouse gas emissions.
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31 Places to Go for Halloween

With Halloween just around the corner, you may be wondering where some of the spookiest, creepiest, eeriest, most haunted and/or best places to visit on Halloween are located around the
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DNO partners with Audax in Tunisia

Norwegian oil group DNO International and Australian exploration company Audax signed a letter of intent (LOI) on the Chorbane Exploration Permit in Tunisia, they said on Friday.
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Twitter goes to Aussie university

Social networking upstart Twitter has made the jump to academia's hallowed halls, with 'tweets' made compulsory writing for would-be journalists at an Australian university.
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Push to exempt Australian farmers from carbon laws

Australia's government will be asked to exempt farmers from carbon trading in order to pass landmark emissions laws through parliament under changes being pushed by opposition lawmakers on Wednesday.


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