Despite efforts by governments, Latin American students failed to attain average world levels in math, science and reading.
A Chinese investor finds out that a honesty-based payment system may not be a good idea in the restaurant business.
The big three telecoms in China received licenses for 4G, which could mean a new distribution deal for iPhones.
Iran's oil minister has named American and British companies as favorites to help develop and export the country’s vast oil reserves.
David Cameron has pushed through a deal to export pig semen to China.
Fast-food experts are asking whether the KFC owner can recover from its sales plunge in China.
One global region scored very high in all three subjects.
While many Chinese conversations turn patriotic as tensions flare over the Diaoyu/Senkaku islands, many still can't get behind the government.
A 7 percent GDP target has become a more likely choice in the policy circle.
Tuesday’s launch marks SpaceX's attempt to establish itself as a low-cost alternative to bigger players backed by U.S. and foreign governments.
Both HSBC and official surveys show growth remains in positive territory.
Small villages near China's Chang'e-3 rocket launch site have reportedly been hit by pieces of metal from the rocket.
After 30 years in charge, Peter Munk is handing the chairmanship to former Goldman Sachs banker John Thornton, who has long experience in China.
Jang Song Thaek has reportedly been fired from the number 2 spot, according to South Korea's National Intelligence Service.
Enrique Peña Nieto had an eventful first year at the helm of the second-biggest economy in Latin America.
Those of you who piled into gold on a Glenn Beck-inspired belief that the U.S. dollar would collapse should meditate on this analysis.
While Denmark and New Zealand retained their top slots, North Korea landed at the bottom of the 2013 worldwide corruption index.
The Chinese currency edged up in October to rank behind the U.S. dollar while the euro’s share dropped.
Joe Biden called on Japan and China to find ways to build confidence, while the State Department asked China to cancel no-fly zone rules.
It's getting harder and harder to make a believable case against genetically modified crops.
Ahead of this year's World's AIDS Day on Dec. 1, AIDS patients and protesters traveled from rural China to Beijing.
Look out Baidu and Alibaba: WeChat is about to open a new competitive front.