Approximately 4 million rural people have their land taken every year, and there were 187,000 mass conflicts in 2010.
But for a fourth straight month, it remained above the 50 line that distinguishes expansion of activities from contraction.
The chairman of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China says their NPL of 0.91 is "excessively good."
After two and a half years in Beijing, Ambassador Gary Locke will be leaving China to head back to Seattle.
All markets do not increase in size perpetually, except, perhaps, China's gold market.
China has unveiled the world's fastest supercomputer, and U.S. experts are likely raising their eyebrows.
Lin Chunping was charged with filing millions of yuan worth of fake tax invoices, and now he's going to jail for life.
The country's trade ministry welcomes the investment even as the health ministry tries to curb smoking.
One economist said that currency reform could widen the yuan's trading band in the near term.
Beijing rebuffed the case filed by Tibetan activists as “absurd” and demanded clarification from the Spanish government.
Cambodia is encouraging farmers to raise crocodiles instead of selling them as babies.
The word 'tuhao', which refers to China's flashy wealthy population, could join the ranks of 'selfie' and 'twerk.'
Uruguayan beef has reached worldwide fame for its quality -- and here is why.
New analysis of ancient genomes may reveal a “mystery” species of early humans.
Both imports and exports boomed, but fuel costs took a toll.
The two influential figures sparred in front of 100 top executives at a Wall Street Journal event in Washington.
Brandon Rios will have a chance to upset Manny Pacquiao if he is aggressive in the fight.
The World Health Organization is estimating that China will have around one million cancer patients by 2025.
The Wealth-X and UBS Billionaire Census shows that the United States has the most billionaires of any country, but Asia is catching up.
The People's Bank of China said that it will end normal intervention in the currency market.
Both imports from and exports to China from the EU28 member countries declined in the first half of 2013.
Influential U.S. politicians and economists at a D.C. conference puzzled out their thoughts about the world’s second-largest economy and America's top economic rival.