Looking for federal contracts? Then you have new affirmative action quotas to contend with regarding veterans and the disabled.
Fort Hood's commanding officer said an investigation will be "digging deep" into the background of Spc. Ivan Lopez.
Spc. Ivan Lopez, 34, was being treated for depression and anxiety but had not yet been officially diagnosed with PTSD.
After killing three people and injuring more than a dozen others, the gunman, identified as Spc. Ivan Lopez, was confronted by a military police officer before he shot himself.
Gold prices have risen over tensions in Ukraine. Are the recent gains sustainable? Or Pyrrhic?
The would-be bomber and al Qaeda sympathizer was caught after a yearlong NYPD investigation, including a sting operation.
China's net imports of crude oil hit a notable level last fall, and the country has retained that title since.
Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan told an election rally, "Our F-16s took off and hit this plane. Why? Because if you violate my airspace, our slap after this will be hard."
Federal agencies began a landmark cooperative project based on an idea proposed by two biologists.
While American arms companies show a decline in sales while Russian rivals are expanding, one U.S. company is still the top global weapons maker.
Rouhani’s human rights record is even worse than that of his predecessor, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Iran’s long-term nuclear aspirations remain unchanged.
Nicholas Teausant, 20, was arrested on suspicion of being an Al Qaeda supporter and allegedly planning to bomb Los Angeles subways.
Turkey could enter into the Syrian civil war to protect an important shrine.
Global oil supplies have danced with record highs this year; unfortunately, it hasn't lowered crude's sky-high price.
Shell says its American upstream businesses is pivotal to company objectives in the immediate years ahead.
Syrians injured in the country's civil war and Israeli medical workers have managed to get past old hostilities.
A Dutch journalist and a Belgian photographer set out across war-torn Syria with a plan to interview Assad. Here's what happened.
The OGS fund reintroduced defense spending that would otherwise be cut, and its growth has exploded since 2013.
In the early hours of Wednesday morning the IDF intercepted rockets it says were bound for the Gaza Strip.
The former U.S. embassy in Tehran is a bizarre, must-see tourist site and a focal point for enduring anti-American sentiment.
To keep up growth, Chinese makers are forced to venture out of the domestic market.
Despite sectarian violence erupting in Iraq, its oil production has reached a 25-year high.