US Still Trying To Recover From Three 2001-2008 Public Policy Mistakes

US Public Policy
Tea Party members and other conservatives would like Americans to believe that the United States? problems started in 2009, but nothing could be further from the truth. Three major policy errors by President George W. Bush last decade substantially worsened the U.S.?s fiscal condition, and the nation has been trying to recover ever since.
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Romney Opens New Front In Critique Of Obama: Syria

Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has opened a new front in his critique of President Obama's foreign policy, assailing the president's lack of leadership on Syria and calling for the United States to arm the Syrian opposition.
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Asia's Military Spending To Surpass Europe's For First Time

2012 will be a historic moment in the shift of global power from the West to the East. According to expert estimates and figures on military spending, in 2012 Asia's spending on defense will eclipse Europe's for the first time in the modern era.


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