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US-Afghan Security Pact Doesn't Rule Out Drone Strikes In Pakistan

The security pact signed by US President Barack Obama and Afghan President Hamid Karzai, which defines America's future role in Afghanistan, doesn't rule out the possibility of drone strikes against insurgent targets in Pakistan even after the withdrawal of US troops in 2014, US Ambassador to Afghanistan Ryan Crocker has said.
Hyman Strachman, known as "Big Hy" to his customers, has created hundreds of thousands of bootlegged copies of popular movies, from "The Hangover" to "Gran Torino." One would think Strachman is Public Enemy No. 1 to the Motio

Hyman Strachman, 'Good Guy Pirate': 92-Year-Old WWII Vet Sends Bootlegged DVDs To Troops Abroad

Hyman Strachman has created hundreds of thousands of bootlegged copies of popular movies, from The Hangover to Gran Torino. One would think Strachman is Public Enemy No. 1 to the MPAA, but on the contrary, this 92-year-old World War II vet is just looking to stay busy after the death of his wife, copying DVDs to send to American soldiers currently fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.
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Accused WikiLeaks leaker Manning faces trial in September

Bradley Manning, the U.S. intelligence analyst charged with leaking thousands of classified U.S. government cables to the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks, will face a court martial on September 21, a military judge said on Wednesday.


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