Lagarde says IMF may need less money for war chest

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A stronger firewall is needed to protect the world economy from Europe's debt crisis, but the International Monetary Fund may not need as much money as it thought just a few months ago, the head of the global lender said on Thursday.

Royal Dutch Shell Reports Gulf Oil Leak

Oil absorbent boom protects marsh land from BP's Deepwater Horizon spill
Royal Dutch Shell on Thursday announced it has deployed an oil spill response vessel in the Gulf of Mexico after a 10-square mile oil sheen appeared near the company's area of operations.
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Global soybean supplies are down while U.S. exports rise.

Global Soybean Output Drops, Futures Rise: USDA

U.S. soybean exports are up 15 million bushels for the 2011/12 crop year and soybean prices are expected to rise, while global oil seed production is down 5.2 million tons as South American soybean production plummets because of warm weather and low rainfall, a report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture said Tuesday.
7. Belem, Brazil

Fastest-Growing Emerging Cities Of The World [PHOTOS]

The Knight Frank Wealth Report 2012 has marked seven cities as the world's fast-growing cities to watch in 2050, based on their potential for creating new market opportunities for local as well as global companies.
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Chesapeake Sells Assets To Raise $2.6 Billion

Chesapeake Energy Corp, the second largest natural gas producer in the US, said on Monday that it has finalized three deals to sell its assets, which will raise $2.6 billion, as it faces cash crunch and a rising debt.
Texas Tornado

Texas Tornadoes: Photos Of The Devastating Damage [PHOTOS]

Tornado season runs from March until June, but April showed that it is definitely the peak of Tornadi season. On Tuesday the Dallas-Fort Worth area was hit by tornadoes causing widespread damage. A number of injuries have been reported, but no reports of fatalities at the present time, said Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst.


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