The International Union for Conservation of Nature released its latest assessment of global biodiversity Thursday.
The church said in a statement issued by the Conference of Catholic Bishops that it regretted the actions of those who participated in the massacre.
The “Suits” actress is being compared to Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, ever since news emerged of her dating Prince Harry.
“Suits” actors Patrick J. Adams, Meghan Markle, Sarah Rafferty and Rick Hoffman were asked who among the show’s cast would make the best president.
The country was in 45th place among 144 nations — 17 places lower than last year — in the World Economic Forum’s annual Global Gender Gap Report.
The agreement, finalized during a U.N. meeting in Rwanda, aims to reduce the use of hydrofluorocarbons — potent greenhouse gases used in air conditioners and refrigerators.
Although conservation efforts led by the Chinese government have led to a rebound in the giant panda population in recent years, climate change still threatens to reverse the gains.
In the wake of the Brexit vote, the president urged 1,200 entrepreneurs at Stanford University to embrace a future of interconnectivity.
The joint summit, dubbed “Tanzania-Rwanda Trade Forum 2016,” is the first of its kind.
Claver Berinkindi, 61, is a Swedish citizen originally from Rwanda.
The heavy downpours, which have been attributed to the current El Niño, also injured dozens and damaged infrastructure in the north.
Thursday marked the anniversary of the start of one of history's worst mass slaughters.
Seychelles joins Senegal in cutting term limits, going against the trend in Africa, where many presidents try to stay in power.
The claim will add to international worries that Burundi's yearlong political crisis is sliding toward a full-blown conflict.
While Secretary of State John Kerry's declaration that ISIS committed genocide is significant, it will be hard to hold members of the terrorist group accountable.
Boutros Boutros-Ghali, an Egyptian diplomat who was the first African and Arab to hold the position, served during a period rife with conflict.
U.S. special envoy Thomas Pierriello said there are “credible reports” that Rwanda is recruiting and training Burundian rebels.
The panelists at the World Economic Forum summit identified power supply, technology and skills as the best ingredients to ensure growth.
The so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution is here, and industry leaders at Davos suggest we focus on the possibilities.
Rwandan President Paul Kagame has effectively been in control since his rebel force marched into Kigali to end the 1994 genocide.
The long-stalled talks — set for Monday — include a government delegation as well as opposition members and civil society representatives.
The results are provisional but are likely to allow another term for the man who has dominated the country since the 1994 genocide.