coronavirus valid medical reasons for leaving home

Do You Have The Proper Reason To Leave Your Home During The Lockdown?

COVID-19 has spurred the government to impose its strictest policy measure yet in an attempt to contain the spread of the virus. The Prime Minister has announced a countrywide lockdown in the UK. According to Mr. Johnson, there are only two medical reasons that can be used for residents to leave their houses. What are these?
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How To Detect Whether You Have Coronavirus Infection Using Your Phone

The surging death toll due to COVID-19 infection is causing a lot of fears and tension to mount in the UK. As if to aggravate the already dreadful situation, there is the horrifying death toll in Italy which averages over 600 deaths within 24 hours. Because of this, the UK government is advising the general public to identify the symptoms as soon as they manifest. Technology may help in this area.
Coronavirus in children

Mother Shares COVID-19 Signs To Look Out For In Your Children

As coronavirus cases in the UK hit 6,650 with 335 deaths, everyone is now on high alert with the looming threat of infection on their minds. While much focus has been given on the elderly and those with an existing medical condition, there is also a need to know what symptoms to look for in children. Recently, a mother from Cardiff has revealed the signs you should watch out for in children. This is after her baby was found to be COVID-19 positive.
coronavirus emergency warning sign

Coronavirus Symptom: Failure To Do This Is A Warning Sign

The death toll due to COVID-19 infection in the UK is now at 335, adding further pressure on PM Boris Johnson’s government to immediately impose a total lockdown like Italy. Health agencies have issued several coronavirus emergency warning signs you need to look out for. This includes the failure to perform something.
coronavirus immunity

Coronavirus Tips: Do You Already Have Immunity Once You've Been Infected?

The coronavirus continues to wreak havoc in dozens of countries around the world, bringing the total global confirmed cases to 382,420 and 16,569 fatalities. 102,513 patients were able to recover from the virus infection. At present, health experts in countries around the world are engaged in a race against time to curb the spread of the highly-infectious disease. If you have already been infected by the coronavirus and had the symptoms, are you already immune from the disease?
coronavirus loss of sense of smell symptom

Coronavirus Tips: You May Be Infected If You Observe This Peculiar Symptom

The common symptoms of coronavirus infection are shortness of breathing, continuous cough, and fever. Recently, however, reports of a new symptom manifesting in some COVID-19 patients led some health experts to check on it. True enough, there is a new and confirmed symptom, and if you experience this, you need to self-isolate.


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