Spare us a 'fishing fight' with Britain, French regions urge govt
U.S. stocks traded lower on Thursday on continuing coronavirus worries
There’s a big change taking place in the forex arena in the United Kingdom, and it’s causing a stir worldwide. It all started when the UK Gambling Commission (UKGC,) in an attempt to tone down the levels of excessive gambling, announced that starting the middle of April 2020, clients (in Britain) of gaming websites will no longer be able to use credit cards to fund their bets. While the gambling sector is its own separate entity, it is still linked with the British retail forex and contracts for difference (CFD) trading sectors. This may be a case of causation/correlation because as a result, there is much speculation that the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) might follow suit and ban the usage of credit cards for retail forex and CFD.
France, Germany sign prototype contract for future fighter jet
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle no longer want to involve themselves in the chaos that is the royal family.
Official records show that more than 33% of adults in the UK suffer from hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure. Knowing the cause can go a long way in preventing the development of more serious and potentially deadly complications. For many, their hypertension may have been due to an unexpected cause, which is the white coat syndrome.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will go through a year-long trial period before their arrangements following their Megxit will be finalized.
Isolated, training in masks: coronavirus hits China's Olympic hopes
Airbus plans to cut more than 2,300 jobs at its space and defense unit
France's defensive guru Edwards returns to old Cardiff stomping ground
Twitter users praised Queen Elizabeth II for banning Prince Harry and Meghan Markle from using the Sussex Royal brand.
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were reportedly kicked out of Buckingham Palace.
Trump 'offered pardon' to Assange if he denied Russia leak, court hears
Boeing supports state tax change to avoid EU sanctions
GE wants to compete with Rolls Royce is selling engines to Airbus
Passengers leave Japan virus ship, but new infections detected
Queen could stop Harry and Meghan using 'royal' brand: reports
Airbus Defence and Space to cut over 2,300 jobs
Critics slam UK post-Brexit immigration plans
Merkel predicts 'very tough' EU budget summit
U.S. stocks traded higher on Wednesday on signs China may contain the coronavirus
Prince Harry is most likely feeling isolated from Prince Charles and Prince William after he quit the royal family.