The “Harry Potter” star was named in the latest data leak that revealed she is a beneficiary of a company based in the British Virgin Islands.
Now anyone can upload videos to Amazon, courtesy of Amazon Direct Video, and even make money off them.
Streaming music service Spotify said Monday it will produce new shows that take silly and sober looks at music and culture.
Songs from France, Russia and Australia are among this year’s favorites to win one of television’s longest-running competitions.
China, Russia and Saudi Arabia are funneling the most wealth out of their homelands, according to a new report.
In a speech Monday, the British prime minister made a “big, bold patriotic case” for staying within the European Union ahead of the June 23 referendum.
A vote on the United Kingdom leaving the European Union is set to take place June 23.
Many innovations that have gone into albums can be traced to the band — from 2000’s “In Rainbows” to its new release Sunday.
In the voracious symbiotic cycle of politics and media, there are no clean hands (whatever size they may be).
In an interview with Fox News Thursday, Donald Trump said his opinion is that the EU hasn't been great for Britain.
Excalibur Steel UK, a management buyout vehicle, plans to raise about 65 percent of the total funding from the banks.
If Sadiq Khan wins Thursday's election, he would become the first Muslim to lead Britain’s capital.
Deporting everybody living illegally in the United States and preventing every future unlawful entry would cost more than some have let on.
Ahead of a June referendum on Britain leaving the European Union, economic growth in the country seems to have stalled.
The breakthrough of 13 days — a significant improvement over the previous record — has rekindled an ethical debate over research involving human embryos.
Maj. Gen. Yair Golan had, on Wednesday, drawn parallels between the “revolting processes” in Nazi Germany and elements in present-day Israel.
With technology borrowed from its parent company Oppo, the OnePlus 3 is set to offer customers the ability to charge their phones within 15 minutes.
On Thursday, London will vote for a new mayor and the Scots for their Parliament, while Wales and Northern Ireland will elect members to their local assemblies.
The Labour Party has been mired in a controversy over anti-Semitism days before local council elections, and the Tories are split over leaving the EU.
The French insurer is hoping to sell all of its life and savings business in the United Kingdom for a total of about $945 million.
The main issues at stake concern Britain’s ability to protect itself, its economic prowess and its national sovereignty.
A campaign to cause “attitudinal and behavioral change” among British Muslim youth is underway, a report said.