Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai (L), Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari (C) and Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad listen to a question during joint news conference in the President House in Islamabad on February 17, 2012.

Iran's Nuclear Push May Pull Region into Arms Race: UK Diplomat

Iran is clearly trying to develop nuclear-weapons capability -- and if it succeeds, then it will set off a dangerous round of nuclear proliferation across the Middle East -- British Foreign Secretary William Hague said in an interview published on Saturday.

Global Economic Outlook Improves a Bit: IHS

Can the Economy Improve in 2012?
While threats that could pull down global economy are never far away, recent data depict a brightening outlook according to IHS, a global business and economic information provider.
To match Special Report SEC/INVESTIGATIONS

U.S. SEC Broadens Its Probe of Exchange-Traded Funds

Prompted by a delay in a big trade of a popular exchange-traded fund, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is taking a closer look at a possible connection between high-frequency traders and hedge funds jumping in and out of ETFs, among other areas, according to a person familiar with the matter.
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Zimbabwe's President Mugabe

Zimbabwe's Mugabe Rails Against Continued EU Sanctions

Zimbabwe reacted strongly to the European Union's decision to renew sanctions on President Robert Mugabe's government on Friday. Despite the lift on travel bans and asset freezes on 51 people connected to Mugabe's ZANU-PF party, Zimbabwean leadership is still furious that the illegal sanctions are still in place .
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Murdoch pledges unwavering support to UK Sun

Rupert Murdoch pledged unwavering support to his scandal-hit Sun on Friday, and promised to launch a Sunday edition soon, to try to win back angry staff in one of the biggest challenges to his more than 40 years as proprietor at the British tabloid.
Sarkozy and Cameron

France and England Sign Nuclear-Energy Pact

France and England signed a new nuclear-energy pact on Friday that will lead to the construction of more nuclear power plants in the United Kingdom, with more than 500 million pounds sterling ($791 million) of private-sector investment.
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Charlie Chaplin Birth Mystery: Was He a Communist?

Charlie Chaplin, the iconic British actor with the toothbrush mustache, may have died in 1977, but it's actually his birth which is still a mystery. What led British Intelligence to conduct such an extensive and ultimately unsuccessful investigation into the comedian? FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover demanded that the MI5 open a file on Charlie Chaplin in 1952 because he believed the actor had communist links. The goal of the FBI was to have Chaplin banned from the United States.
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Murdoch flies in to meet with angry British staff

Rupert Murdoch will address hostile journalists at his British newspaper arm Friday, many of them fearful after the recent arrests of senior staff at the mass-selling Sun tabloid over allegations of widespread criminality.
moinca lewinsky

Monica Lewinsky Back in Spotlight : Where is She Now?

Monica Lewinsky is back in the spotlight 14- years after she first made headlines for her affair with Bill Clinton. She is now the core focus of a highly anticipated four-hour PBS documentary about the former U.S President.
Copenhagen. Source: flickr.com/seier

OECD to Northern Europe: Raise Your Property Taxes!

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development released a report Tuesday calling on Germany to raise its property taxes dramatically. The group has also called on Denmark, Norway, and the U.K. to do the same.


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