The London 2012 Olympics Aquatics Centre is seen at the Olympic Park site, in east London

London enters final Olympic countdown with a splash

London 2012 began its final year countdown on Wednesday with swimmers making a splash in the newly-opened Olympic pool and IOC president Jacques Rogge putting preparations on a par with great Games of the past.

UK man wins fight to make "Stormtrooper" helmets

Stormtroopers marching in Japan
A British prop designer who makes replicas of the menacing Stormtrooper helmets featured in Star Wars films won a legal battle Wednesday against director George Lucas, who took him to the High Court in 2008 over copyright infringement.
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Shopping carts are seen outside a new Walmart Express store in Chicago

Walmart Express debuting in Chicago on Wednesday

Wal-Mart Stores Inc (WMT.N) is opening its first small store in Chicago on Wednesday as it tests a format it hopes will allow it to penetrate urban markets that have resisted its huge stores.
Traumatized Norway tries to return to normality

Traumatized Norway tries to return to normality

A Norwegian cabinet minister will make a symbolic return on Wednesday to her bomb-damaged office as the nation tries to restore some normality after the massacre by a right-winger whose lawyer believes is insane.
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Amy Winehouse sales spike after her death

Thousands of Amy Winehouse fans went to "Rehab" in the United States for a fresh listen to the British songstress who died late last week, according to figures released on Tuesday.
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Walmart Express hits Chicago

Wal-Mart Stores Inc is opening its first small store in Chicago this week in the first true test of a store format the world's largest retailer hopes will let it penetrate urban markets that it so far has had trouble cracking.
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Netflix, you?ve got some ?splainin? to do!

When Netflix reports second-quarter earnings late on Monday, financial analysts will look to the company to give not only an update on its financials but also some clarity into its future. With an ambitious plan to expand into 43 Latin American countries and a dramatic change to its pricing plans, Netflix has a lot of big changes expected in the second half of the year.
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Amy Winehouse Dead: Her Final Hours

"Goodnight my angel," said Mitchell Winehouse, Amy's father, in his eulogy to his beloved daughter. "Sleep tight. Mummy and Daddy love you ever so much." With an emotional funeral, Amy Winehouse's family and friends laid her to rest today. Winehouse will be cremated following the service.
Focus of Discussion: Mental Health

Richest Nations are Also Most Depressed: Study

A new study incorporating interviews with more than 89,000 people in 18 nations revealed that 15 percent of people in high-income countries reported having been depressed, compared with 11 percent of those in low- or middle-income countries.

Earnings Numbers Show Need for BP to Split

BP announced second quarter earnings of 5.3 billion on Tuesday, a stark contrast from last year's second quarter loss of $17.15 billion, behind profits from skyrocketing oil prices.
Focus of Discussion: Mental Health

Wealthiest Nations Are Unhappiest: Study

Depression rates are consistently higher in more affluent countries than in low income countries, according to researchers who correlated socioeconomic data with depression levels.
Rebel fighters prepare to make their way to the frontline on the outskirts of Gawalich, near Zintan

U.N. envoy heads to Tripoli as Western line softens

Efforts to find a deal to end the civil war in Libya intensified on Tuesday, with a U.N. special envoy heading for Tripoli and Western powers signalling that Muammar Gaddafi could stay in the country if he gives up power.


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