Griffin seems to have posted the apology following a couple of tweets from the Secret Service, which indirectly threatened to take disciplinary action against her.
A unanimous decision by the Supreme Court issued Tuesday found that patent holders cannot use patent laws control how resellers and refurbishers use their products after purchase.
Bigelow Aerospace founder and president Robert Bigelow recently spoke with '60 Minutes' and discussed his long-held belief that alien UFOs have and are visiting Earth. But he's not just another UFO enthusiast, Bigelow has privatized piles of relevant evidence. Whatever he knows, he should tell us.
U.S. carriers may not be able to run the new Essential Phone by Android co-creator Andy Rubin to its full feature capacity.
The “next Nike’s” growth story is coming apart at the seams.
AT&T's DirecTV Now streaming plan for cable cutters is now available for Roku TV owners.
Sixty people were arrested in Bolivia last week reportedly for promoting cryptocurrency. Bolivian authorities say bitcoin advocates are taking advantage of people.
The comedian defended the photo as an "expression of art."
Trump wants pictures, maps and "killer graphics" for intelligence briefings.
The picture was part of a photoshoot the comedian was a part of.
Refurbished Galaxy Note 7 models will have an indicator on their back panels to show the devices are safe for use.
Experts across the board agree the U.S. has a lot to learn about regulation.
Cohen was asked to provide information about any connections he might have to Russia, he confirmed to ABC News.
By 2050, Islam will be the most popular religion in the world, according to a new report.
CRISPR gene-editing technology might be able to remove a genetic disease, but it can also cause hundreds of unpredictable DNA mutations.
The Pennsylvania power plant is the site of the worst nuclear disaster to occur on United States soil.
How likely are wars, natural disasters, and an unexpected increase in demand to spike oil back to its 2014 highs?
Memorial Day is celebrated to honor American soldiers who sacrificed their lives serving the country and it is observed last Monday of May every year.
In the recent years, Noriega suffered from a range of health problems including blood pressure, bronchitis, prostate cancer, and strokes, according to reports.
Shavuot is celebrated for two different events — the harvest of early summer and the giving of Torah — or the Five Books of Moses — to Israelites on Mount Sinai.
Kim Jong Nam was assassinated at the Kuala Lumpur airport on February 13. Indonesian Siti Aishah, 25, and Doan Thi Huong, 28, from Vietnam are accused of murdering him. If convicted, they would face death penalty.
The official Japanese PlayStation website lists shipments as "ended" for the PlayStation 3.