KIC 8462852, the star observed by American astronomer Tabetha S. Boyajian in 2015 to have a unique light characteristic, has dimmed by a fifth in the last few days.
If passed, the bill would reverse existing policies at some schools which give transgender students the right to use the bathroom of their choice.
After their Billboard Music Awards win, some viewers may be wondering who is BTS.
Vanessa Hudgens did impressions of Celine Dion and Nick Minaj at the 2017 Billboard Music Awards.
“Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” Season 5 has so many questions to answer about Coulson and the team.
We all feel anxious now and then.
Diets aimed to ward off Alzheimer’s Disease are gaining in popularity.
Afghanistan has witnessed kidnappings of several foreigners in recent years and the latest victim is a Finnish woman who was abducted late Saturday.
President Donald Trump's former ally, Roger Stone, condemned Trump in a series of tweets Saturday for accepting Saudi Arabia's highest civilian honor.
“Death Note” star Nat Wolff confirmed his casting in the Sam Claflin-led crime thriller “Semper Fi.”
The United Arab Emirates is making a $2 billion investment to upgrade its arsenal.
Sweaters, blankets and hot mugs of tea are only temporary solutions.
Islamophobia is an exaggerated fear, negative sentiments and hatred toward Islam and those who follow the religion.
President Donald Trump's hand gestures signify a lot about his personality, experts have said.
Armed Forces Day is celebrated every year on the third Saturday in May. It was first celebrated on May 20 in 1950.
A Turkish man aboard disrupted an American Airlines flight by trying to breach the cockpit.
The 25th Amendment to the Constitution states “in case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President.”
President Donald Trump reportedly told top Russian officials Comey was a "nut job" and his dismissal relieved "great pressure," according to a news report.
There are large differences in disease mortality rates for certain types of heart problems, depending on where you live.
Five major wildlife protection groups petitioned the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to list the giraffe as an endangered species.
Two recent studies suggest we're closer than ever to making a limitless, articifial supply of blood.
The moon is back at the center of efforts not only to explore space, but to create a permanent, independent space-faring society.