The video shows the officer telling Warrick to show his hands, only to shoot him a second later.
The U.S. spent more than $9,000 per capita on health care annually as of 2014.
The U.S Air Force's top general in Europe and Africa said Russia gave little information on why the encounters occurred.
A different issue with Takata airbags forced the car manufacturer to issue a safety compliance recall.
Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell said that the threat by jihadist groups such as al Qaeda and the Islamic State group to airports was "going to get worse."
The study also finds that adults would benefit by using hearing aids.
North Korean propaganda pamphlets with pictures of missiles were found by an apartment complex in South Korea.
Various Al Qaeda offshoot groups have increased their militant actions in the massive continent.
The companies second-quarter report fell short of expectations, which means customers will have to dig further into their pockets to pay more.
Russia has been on the radar for leaders around the world as officials worry about the country’s military strength and likelihood to create conflict.
The North Korean leader visited the Mangyongdae Revolutionary School and planted trees amid the ongoing probe into his half-brother's killing.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov called the allegations surrounding the meeting between the U.S. attorney general and Sergei Kislyak, the Russian Ambassador to the U.S., similar to a witch hunt.
The most amazing view of the occultation will be from parts of north and northeastern U.S.
Some Democrats have continued to raise demands for an official investigation of the raid which has been subsequently characterized as "botched."
DARPA collected real-time data for more than 100,000 hours and covered more than 150,000 miles in the seven-month test to detect traces of radiation to prepare for a "dirty bomb" attack.
According to the Washington Post, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has argued that for the establishment of a colony on the moon, it is necessary to have a good cargo delivery service.
Last month, after Iran conducted a ballistic missile test, President Donald Trump warned Tehran that it had been “put on notice.”
The number of unauthorized Mexican immigrants in the U.S. has fallen by 1 million since 2007 to 5.8 million.
A team of MIT researchers has assessed the public health impact of the sale of 2.6 million Volkswagen vehicles fitted with "defeat devices."
The E.U. Parliament voted to restrict visa-free access to its 28 member states for all U.S. citizens until Washington granted the same status to five eastern European countries and Cyprus.
Starting Thursday, Google Assistant will be available on devices running Android Nougat and Android Marshmallow.
Beijing reportedly began a cruise to the contested Paracel Islands with 308 passengers from Sanya city in the country’s southeast Thursday.