The Israeli firm was contracted by the FBI to break into the phone of one of the San Bernardino terrorists after Apple refused to do so.
U.S. intelligence officials allegedly warned their Israeli counterparts to hold off sharing sensitive information with Donald Trump as it could easily reach Moscow and then leak to Iran.
As Donald Trump assumes his post as the new president of the United States, Nicole Kidman is urging Americans support nation’s head of state, saying it’s time to move on.
CDC investigators tested the bacteria against every antibiotic available in the United States, and none was able to knock down the infection.
The hacker says the malware U.S. intelligence agencies cited in their hacking report is easily available on the web and besides, he got into the DNC emails using a different way.
Cuban immigrants have had an advantage over other foreign populations, but that's about to change.
North Americans spend more than Europeans and Asians when it comes to mobile games, while women lead over men in mobile game apps engagement. Here's what games people are mostly likely to spend on:
The Justice Department is wrapping up a more than year-long investigation into whether the Chicago Police Department violated the civil rights of citizens.
"He has been a lion of American history," the president said as he described the VP Thursday. The best part is, he's nowhere close to finished."
WikiLeaks’ founder Julian Assange has been holed up in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London since 2010 to avoid prosecution on possible espionage charges.
C-SPAN's broadcast of the House of Representatives was briefly interrupted on Thursday and taken over by a broadcast of state-owned TV network Russia Today.
The former New York mayor lands an advising role with the Trump administration.
The Android Nougat update for the Samsung Galaxy S7 is now official.
A federal investigation found that the Baltimore Police department violated civil rights of citizens.
The Environmental Protection Agency accused Fiat Chrysler of using software that allowed significant excess diesel emissions in more than 100,000 vehicles sold by the company in the U.S. between 2014 and 2016.
Amazon announces 100,000 new “full-time, full benefit” jobs across the country over the next 18 months, while Trump quickly takes credit.
Retired Gen. James Mattis suggested he wants a tougher military presence in Syria in the fight against ISIS during Thursday's confirmation hearings.
Brent crude rose sharply Thursday in the wake of Secretary General Mohammad Sanusi Barkindo's comments.
Vladimir Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, described the effort as an aggressive step along Russia’s borders.
Despite the Scandinavian country's original opposition to the system, Norway may now be joining.
The president may not be able to join an exclusive golf club over his handling of Israel and the United Nations.
When the defective airbags release during a car crash, they can send metal shrapnel into the passenger compartments.