American Traffic Solutions (ATS) released a compilation of the year’s worst red-light running crash videos to make drivers realize how dangerous they can be.
President Barack Obama was reportedly preparing new sanctions against Russia for allegedly interfering in U.S. election, however, the effectiveness of these measures has been questioned.
A woman was reportedly beheaded by a group of Taliban-linked men for shopping alone.
The regular decision deadline for colleges across the United States was set for Sunday.
In September, the U.S. pledged $38 billion to Israel over the next 10 years, the largest military aid package in American history.
Another 15 convicted terrorists were sentenced to varying terms of imprisonment with hard labor.
OPEC and non-OPEC nations alike have vocally committed to the cartel's agreement to cut production, effectively gouging the price of oil, but that doesn't mean some members aren't likely to cheat.
The first family's total personal travel expenses during the president's eight-year tenure could climb to nearly $90 million, according to a report from a conservative watchdog organization.
The Philippines president claimed most ambassadors were working with the CIA and threatened officials with death by helicopter.
"It's not being militant, it's being stupid," Andrew Young said this week.
The e-commerce giant is working on warehouses that would fly at 45,000 feet and use guided unmanned aerial vehicles to deliver products with precision.
The latest celebrity death hoax concerned Britney Spears, tweets from Sony Music Global and Bob Dylan said the pop singer was dead.
President Barack Obama has protected more public land than any U.S. president and Wednesday's proclamation will further his conservation legacy.
“What we discovered is we do not have a system that we can trust,” the 66-year-old former Green Party presidential candidate said Wednesday.
Former “Bachelorette” Jillian Harris shared photos of her engagement ring and pics of her and fiancé Justin Pasutto.
The immigration fees have been increased, by a “weighted average” of 21 percent, for the first time since 2010.
A Republican lawmaker dubbed the course "garbage," saying taxpayers should not have to pay for such an elective.
Representatives from 70 countries will gather in Paris for the Jan. 15 conference to revive Israel-Palestine peace talks and “reaffirm the necessity of a two-state solution.”
Kate Beckinsale doesn't really mind not drinking alcohol because it prevents her from being healthy.
The year, already seeming interminably long to many people, will have a leap second added on right at the end because of the effects from Earth’s slowing rotation.
A summary of a classified report released in 2014 details the use of torture such as regular beatings, rectal feeding, waterboarding, sensory and sleep deprivation and mock executions.
The airbag manufacturer is expected to pay up to $1 billion to resolve allegations of criminal wrongdoing, the Wall Street Journal reported.