The purchasing power of Chinese consumers in 2030 could match that of Americans in 2000, a new report says.
The Clinton campaign chairman is in the spotlight this election season after his personal Gmail account was reportedly compromised by Russian hackers who passed the emails on to WikiLeaks.
A first-of-its-kind instrument being developed at NASA will use the sense of smell to look for traces of life on the red planet.
While there were only 12 bishop-appointed exorcist priests in the U.S. at one point of time, the country now has over 50.
The “Lovable Losers” won three consecutive games against the Cleveland Indians to capture their first World Series title in over a century.
Suffrage was a hard-fought right for minorities who faced discrimination at polling booths even though such practices were outlawed.
Netflix has finally shed light on why it is not going to release the offline viewing option to its customers in the U.S. and the U.K.
A Panama Canal pilot was in control of the USS Montgomery when it brushed a cement structure and suffered an 18-inch crack to its hull.
Though voting in the presidential election is now considered a right exclusive to U.S. citizens, it wasn't always that way.
China's currency has hit record lows against the dollar, in another sign that the world's largest economy could be entering a broader crisis.
The president was upset that the State Department stopped a planned gun sale to the country.
Rapper Nelly believes Colin Kaepernick’s kneeling protest share similarities with Rosa Parks’s protest.
A third of all adults and children in the United States are considered obese.
After delaying an interest rate hike in September, the Federal Reserve once again pushed off an increase in the federal funds rate following the close of its meeting on Wednesday.
A black church in Greenville, Mississippi, was the target of an arson attack on Tuesday night.
Germany's far-right AfD party has lambasted the belief that an influx of migrants can benefit the economy, but recent data support this theory.
The Democratic presidential candidate has hailed her time at the State Department as a proving ground for her leadership abilities.
The payloads would be used to help NASA's overall goal to put people on Mars.
Apathy aside, there are other big reasons why Americans don't vote.
The new drug killed up to 97 percent of tainted cells in the blood of AIDS patients and those with HIV during a recent test.
There's less than a week left in the election and things are getting close in the states that matter most.
Here are just a few of the numerous times Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's dealt with inappropriate questions and comments.