Ted Cruz's win is considered as a setback for corn farmers in Iowa, who have lobbied hard to protect the controversial biofuels program from being dismantled.
Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton were both declaring victory in the Iowa caucuses Monday night as the numbers were too close to call.
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz’s ground game helped him beat Donald Trump in Iowa, but Marco Rubio’s strong finish may give the GOP establishment someone to rally around.
The move comes days after Switzerland said it was sending information on illegal transactions to Malaysian authorities.
Factory reports in China, the eurozone and the U.S. all displayed weakness, helping to drag down oil prices.
Economists were expecting the Reserve Bank of Australia to hold interest rates steady at a record low of 2.0 percent.
Networks like C-SPAN and ABC News will broadcast live and online from the Hawkeye State on Monday night.
The cable giant is expected to show a rise in subscribers when it reports Q4 earnings Wednesday, but a loss of 115,000 for 2015.
Consumers aren’t spending their extra cash from cheap gasoline and are saving more, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll.
Releasing a sequel to a proven summer favorite in the dead of winter was a risk, but “Kung Fu Panda 3” delivered.
The defense giant is aiming to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 35 percent by 2020.
The U.S. and several European countries are considering options for an anti-ISIS military intervention in Libya
State-controlled media in Russia see little chance of successful Syrian peace talks and have criticized the inclusion of groups they label as "terrorist."
Neither the train, track or signals were to blame for a May 2015 derailment in Philadelphia that killed eight people, a report said.
The World Health Organization has declared the virus an emergency of international concern, even though its suspected link to birth defects remains unproved.
FBI Director James Comey said the use of data-privacy technology meant the trail was “going dark” for authorities tracking terror suspects. A new report says otherwise.
Winning the contract Monday represents a boon to the company as it competes with U.S. conglomerate General Electric.
Data released Monday show Americans have more personal income to spend but are socking that money away instead of buying goods.
A data-sharing deal between the U.S. and Europe ran out Sunday, but European Commission leader Jean-Claude Juncker is confident a new deal can be struck.
At a meeting in Rome on Tuesday, Secretary of State John Kerry is expected to seek more support from two-dozen nations in a U.S.-led coalition.
As in previous years, several state marketplaces extended enrollment deadlines, although the federal government did not.
It’s the same internet hub — home to 164,000 fans of Bernie Sanders — that helped the candidate raise $1 million.