Samsung will once again use the Mobile World Congress to kick-start its smartphone sales with at least one new flagship on Feb. 21.
Ayatollah Khamenei gave medals to Iranian Revolutionary Guardsmen for capturing sailors earlier this year.
Friday's gains for global stocks and oil prices tempered a turbulent start for the year.
Nigeria's government is highly reliant on oil and has suffered from a worldwide oil glut.
Six American officials say the U.S. government could not confirm that any Americans were among the 33 suspects detained in Saudi Arabia recently.
Americans without healthcare coverage have until Monday 3 a.m. EST to either obtain health insurance or be subject to costly penalties.
The U.N.-hosted negotiations could get under way in Geneva Sunday, with the opposition to Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime having been convinced to participate.
An online public ledger could allow transactions to carried out more quickly and with fewer mistakes, JPMorgan Chase & Co. executives say.
High-level members of the infamous Sinaloa drug cartel were detained near the border between Arizona and Mexico by U.S. federal agents.
Did you know Canada observes Black History Month in February, too?
The state has many independent voters who could secure caucus wins for Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, depending on how they’re feeling Monday.
The Americans were among 33 suspects detained on terrorism charges in Saudi Arabia over the past week, according to a local report Sunday.
In a video released online, the holdouts expressed their mistrust of the U.S. government and their reluctance to leave the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.
About 73 percent of likely voters in November say they believe the U.S. is on the wrong track, according to a new opinion poll.
The president previously has made official visits to mosques outside the U.S., but not inside the country.
Despite his leaking of classified information, the disgraced four-star general is safe from having his rank lowered in retirement by the current U.S. defense secretary.
Meanwhile, Colombia reported more than 2,000 pregnant women have been infected with the virus during the outbreak in the Western Hemisphere.
The endorsements of Democratic and Republican presidential candidates were made a couple of days before the caucuses conducted by early-voting Iowa.
Project Anarchist allowed the countries’ intelligence agencies to watch for any possible Israeli strikes on Iran.
The new book has appeared as conservatives are set to spend about $900 million on U.S. political campaigns this year.
The Bezalel Latitude is the first to work with both Qi and Powermat wireless charging standards.
The USS Curtis Wilbur conducted a patrol of the Triton Island, a manned China outpost and part of the Paracel islands chain.