"Cheers" star Kirstie Alley said that she's voting for President Donald Trump this presidential election once more because she believes he "will turn the economy around quickly."
Trump sets hectic campaign pace, while frontrunner Biden stays home
Millions of Europeans faced tough new coronavirus restrictions on Saturday as governments stepped up efforts to slow the surge in infections, after the World Health Organization reported a "very concerning" 44-percent rise in European cases over one week.
One expert is contradicting advice and has revealed that with certain precautions, Thanksgiving travel could be safe.
New Trump golf course in Scotland gets go-head despite environmental fears
Ronna McDaniel was swiftly criticized after tweeting that Joe Biden planned to raise taxes for a significant number of Americans.
A U.K. man’s post has gone viral after he reached out to Twitter for help through a tough time.
Twitter's actions are a matter of life and death for dissidents inside Saudi Arabia whose communications have been compromised by Twitter or its employees.
The immune system of older adults is not that strong anymore in fighting off pneumonia putting them at a higher risk of developing complications.
Trump stumps in Florida, Georgia, countering signs of Democratic surge
Japan PM Suga sends offering to controversial war shrine
Schauffele rides hot start to three-shot lead at CJ Cup in Las Vegas
US charges Mexican ex-defense chief with drug trafficking
The former minister will face federal prosecutors in New York, who charged the 72-year-old with taking bribes from the H-2 drug cartel in Mexico.
US deficit hits record $3.1 tn amid pandemic spending surge: govt
Former Vice President Joe Biden drew about 2 million more viewers than President Trump during the candidates' dueling town halls Thursday night, Nielsen reported.
Coronavirus stimulus spending blew a whole in the fiscal 2020 budget, which still has a month to go.
US condemns Turkey over reported test of Russian system
US shoots down Putin proposal for one-year New START extension
Fastest-ever growth in global virus cases as US tops 8 million
US hoping for two Covid-19 vaccines by end of November
The US attorney’s office in Colorado announced 28-year-old Richard Holzer pleaded guilty to a plot to blow up a synagogue in Colorado.