The boycott began in 2000, the same year the Confederate flag was moved from atop the Statehouse building to an area on its grounds.
A powerful typhoon made landfall Saturday in China’s Zhejiang province, crippling transportation and devastating farmland.
The Islamic militant group also took over a major highway in the Borno state capital Maiduguri near the site of the village attack.
The Serbian prime minister was forced to flee a ceremony marking the 20th anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre, where 8,000 Muslims were slaughtered.
Trump, a billionaire real estate developer, had the support of 15.8 percent of respondents in the online poll of self-identified Republicans compared to 16.1 percent for Bush.
Russia may relaunch production of the Soviet-era Tupolev Tu-160 supersonic nuclear bomber, a Russian defense ministry official says.
The Chinese Muslim minority group have been the focus of attention from China's security services, amid accusations of terrorism.
The Japanese leader reportedly sees boosting China-Japan relations as a way of improving his battered ratings.
“People came into the country illegally and killed their children,” Trump said at a meeting with families whose loved ones were killed by undocumented immigrants. “It’s a very sad thing that’s happened to our country.”
Russian President Vladimir Putin held up the summit as evidence Moscow is not isolated in the world.
Leading members of the American Psychological Association advised a "flexible" ethics code for interrogations, even while CIA health professionals were raising concerns.
Ernesto Samper had his U.S. visa revoked in 1996 over allegations of ties to a drug cartel, but he returned Friday for a meeting at the United Nations.
A New York Times review of Harper Lee's early novel "Go Set a Watchman" portrays an Atticus Finch who once attended a KKK meeting.
Some Republican leaders are trying to distance themselves from Trump after the inflammatory comments he made about Mexican immigrants.
The Detroit automaker says 56 injuries have been reported from SUV rear gates that fall down on people.
The Florida senator said he would "absolutely" undo the historic resumption of relations, a week after the White House announced it would soon reopen its embassy in Havana.
Workers began attempting to remove the spray-painted word on Friday.
Hezbollah's Hasan Nasrall called Iran “the only hope left for liberating Palestine and Jerusalem.”
"Even this temporary protection would be a second-class status in our country," said Christina Chang of the New York Immigration Coalition.
A week after Puerto Rico Gov. Alejandro García Padilla said the island can’t pay back all of its debt, the refinancing begins.
As part of an Vice special on HBO, President Barack Obama will become the first sitting U.S. president to visit a federal prison.
The U.S. women’s national soccer team rode their floats in a Manhattan parade Friday to celebrate winning the 2015 World Cup.